Welcome Home

Welcome Home Program

Every night, as many as 40,000 veterans are living on the streets. Each with a different story, they all shared a common pledge: to support and defend this country. Their service is done. Now, it’s the Elks’ turn to serve.

In partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Elks National Veterans Service Commission has pledged to help end veteran homelessness, and ensure that every veteran has the safe, stable home they deserve.

Welcome Home Kits

Most veterans move into their homes with nothing. Elks can help veterans establish their homes by building Welcome Home Kits. Generally, this kit would include some small furniture, kitchenware, and cleaning supplies. Items can be new or used, donated or purchased.

NEW: Starting April 1, the ENVSC will reimburse up to $400 per kit and up to $600 for each kit that includes a bed (dependent on corresponding receipts).

Watch how Cocoa Beach, Fla., Lodge No. 2387 makes a big impact on veterans through the Welcome Home Kit program.

Whether your Lodge wants to provide a few kits a year or a few kits a week, we’ve got you covered. Here are a few program guidelines to keep in mind.

  • A kit must include a variety of items. It may not include just one of two items.
  • Kits are intended exclusively for veterans exiting homelessness and moving into new homes.
  • Gift cards may not comprise more than $25 of any kit. Food may not comprise more than $50 of any kit.
  • Beds may not comprise more than $500 of any kit.

Ready to get started?

  • Find a partner to connect your Lodge with veterans in need. Speak with the facility and the veteran about their needs.
  • Get the community involved! Consider holding a supply drive to collect commonly needed items.
  • Deliver the kits to the veteran or your project! Many Lodges take photos with the veterans when they deliver the kits. (Check out our Instagram page for examples!)
  • Complete the form and upload your receipts online. You may include multiple kits on one form. We’ll send you a reimbursement check, in accordance with the receipts provided.
  • Stay in contact with the veterans! Having an Elk as an advocate and friend can further help these veterans to thrive in their new home. Consider the Adopt-a-Veteran program.


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