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Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Fort Wayne, Ind., Lodge Opens School for Crippled Children
The members of Fort Wayne, Ind., Lodge No. 155 recently conducted a large stag picnic at their country club for the benefit of their Crippled Children’s School. The event was well attended and was the means of raising a considerable sum for the worthy charity. The Crippled Children’s School, which has been opened only a short time, provides these unfortunate youngsters with all the privileges accorded other children. Every crippled child in the city that is unable to attend public school is welcomed by the Lodge and its school. The children are started in the rudimentary subjects and their education is slowly and carefully built up by competent instructors provided by the Fort Wayne School Board. In this way the school provides for the instruction of crippled children while they are convalescing and also gives them proper care and medical attention. A competent nurse is always on duty and the buildings equipped with everything for the youngsters’ health and comfort, are in charge of experienced janitors and matrons. Dr. M. R. Lohman, Chairman of the Lodge’s Social and Community Welfare Committee, is to be commended for his excellent work in organizing this laudable project.

More News from January, 1925