Our sincere thanks to these generous donors who, through the MVS Named Scholarship Program, pledged to donate $4,000 over four years to name one Most Valuable Student scholarship for a bright and promising scholar. To learn more about the MVS Named Scholarship Program, please click here.
The Kermit and Jana Morse Most Valuable Student Scholarship Donor: Mr. Kermit N. Morse III of Marysville, OH, Lodge No. 1130 Recipient: Mr. Caleb M. Isler
The Thomas D. Overton, Jr. Most Valuable Student Scholarship Donor: Ms. Barbara E. Overton of Ponca City, OK, Lodge No. 2002 Recipient: Ms. Rachael E. J. Jewell
The Thomas D. Overton, Jr. Most Valuable Student Scholarship Donor: Mr. Thomas D. Overton III of Ponca City, OK, Lodge No. 2002 Recipient: Mr. Gavin H. Scott
The Jeffrey E. Patterson Memorial Most Valuable Student Scholarship Donor: Mrs. Jody M. Patterson of Pendleton, SC, Lodge No. 2861 Recipient: Mr. Joseph Gartrell
The Wayne and Marianne Wrightstone Most Valuable Student Scholarship Donor: Mr. J. Wayne Wrightstone of Kissimmee, FL, Lodge No. 1873 Recipient: Mr. Andy Rajkumar
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