The Arkansas State Major Project benefits the six Arkansas Human Development Centers throughout Arkansas. These centers are funded by the state of Arkansas. The Elks provide money for educational, entertainment, and health and comfort items not provided by the state. The clients are not only children, but mentally and physically disabled adults.
Arkansas has five Human Development Centers that provide a comprehensive array of services and support to individuals who, due to developmental disabilities, are incapable of managing their affairs and require special care, training, and treatment in a sheltered residential setting. To be admitted, an individual must typically be 18 years of age or older; however, exceptions are made for those who have significant medical or behavioral challenges. Individuals must have a developmental disability attributable to intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or autism.
Services provided include health care; physical, occupational, and speech therapy; orthotics; intensive behavioral treatment and support for various conditions; adult transitioning skill training; placement and follow-up services; and respite.
The Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS) has more than 7,500 employees working throughout the state and in 85 county offices, making it the largest state agency. DHS serves more than 1.4 million people each year – infants, children, adults, people with disabilities and the elderly -- through one of our many public assistance programs. They also promote volunteerism, fund numerous community programs, regulate nursing homes, license daycares and find foster children permanent families.
For more information contact Herb Carey, State Chairman, 921 Shady Grove Rd, Apt J2 Hot Springs , AR,71901 870-974-9001, Back to top