Alabama State Elks Association State Project

Recently the Alabama Elks Association began a new partnership with Alabama's Special Camp for Children and Adults (ASCCA) with a $50,000 donation to support the camp's activities. Easter Seals Camp ASCCA, located on Lake Martin, is a nationally recognized leader in therapeutic recreation for Children and Adults with both physical and mental disabilities.

Camp ASCCA is Alabama's Special Camp for Children and Adults. ASCCA is a nationally recognized leader in therapeutic recreation for children and adults with both physical and intellectual disabilities. Providing weekend and week long sessions, Camp ASCCA is open year-round.

The Camp ASCCA mission is to help eligible individuals with disabilities and/or health impairments achieve equality, dignity and maximum independence. This is accomplished through a safe and quality program of camping, therapeutic recreation and education in a year-round barrier-free environment.

Their goal is to serve those who can derive maximum benefit from the resident camp experience and provide a healthier, happier, longer and more productive life for Children and Adults of all abilities and the Alabama Elks Association wants to do all they can to help achieve this goal.

For more information, please contact Mike Thrasher by calling (205) 915-9330 or via email at

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