Located at 2126 Knoll Drive, Ventura. Lodge moved from downtown Ventura at 11 So. Ash Street to its new facility in May 2005. The new facility is on ground level with large meeting room and beautiful carpeted dining room with Members Bar. Bingo is held every Monday night and Lodge room is available for Members private parties and catered functions.
Club room opens Tuesday thru Friday 3 PM; Saturday 1 PM; Closed Sundays and Mondays Phone 805-639-0303 Ext. 314
Meals generally on Tuesday Night and either Friday Night or Saturday Night - call the ClubRoom for details
Bingo on Mondays - Doors open at 5 PM and Regular Bingo starts at 6:30 PM
Lodge Office open Weekdays Noon - 4 PM, Closed on Thursdays; other times by appointment. 805-639-0303 Ext. 313