Hot Springs, AR 380

Lodge RV Parking

Hot Springs, AR Elks RV park

The RV Park is now fully operational, complete with registration forms, donation receipts and ground rules. Elks Lodge 380 will request a $20.00 donation per night to offset expenses. Availability and amenities are available for all of Elkdom. Directions to the lodge are on a map located on our CONTACT US page. This information has also been provided to the Family Motor Coach Association, Elk International Chapter, which has 2,000-plus member motor homes. RV parking on level ground sites for 8+3-4 dry.30/50 Amps & water at site, dump station available. Hopefully, we will meet and enjoy the company of many Elk travelers.

Hot Springs, AR Lodge No. 380 RV Park
132 Abbott Pl
Hot Springs, AR 71913-9696

None have been listed.

Parking Spaces:

