Aliquippa, PA 1221

Lodge Facilities

Elks Lodge #1221 Banquet Hall

One of the finest banquet facilities in the Beaver Valley is available to handle your function in 4,500 square feet of air-conditioned and smoke-free space. The Aliquippa Elks can handle banquets of up to 300 people without a dance floor; 250 people are very comfortable with a dance floor in place. The large banquet room can be divided for a more intimate gathering. Various liquor packages are available. Smaller parties can have a cash or tab bar. There is no additional rent for groups of 65 or more when using our caterer, Beyond Parsley (the rent is built into the price of the food). For hall rental information, call the lodge at 724.375.4611. The facility can be seen seven days a week from noon until the lodge closes. Beyond Parsley, owned by Joe Ozimok, can be contacted at 724.375.1699.

Aliquippa Elks Lodge 1221 Grill Room

Full bar. Kitchen open at 3 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday