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2257 Honors 9/11 Heroes

September 11th, 2001, was the 21st century’s day of infamy. It was a day that will live in the annals of courage and patriotism. On Wednesday, September 11th, West Shore-Harrisburg Lodge 2257 paid tribute to those who were lost and those who survived. The heroes at ground zero who in life and death, wear an indelible badge of honor. We celebrate not only them, but all of our fellow Americans, for the intended victims of this attack were not just the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, or the people on flight 93. The targets were not just the symbols of America, but they were the spirit of America, and the intended victims were all 330 million Americans. Our enemies made a mistake when they viewed liberty and freedom as a weakness. The attacks on September 11th, 2001, were intended to break our spirit, but instead, we emerged stronger and more unified. As Elks, we felt and still feel a renewed devotion to the cardinal principles of our order Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love, and Fidelity. As Americans, we felt a renewed feeling of Patriotism and the principles of political, economic, and religious freedom, the rule of law, and respect for human life. We are more determined than ever to live our lives in freedom. In the conflict that was brought upon us, we were as determined as our parents and our grandparents before us to prevail over evil at any cost until we ultimately triumphed.

The preceding paragraph is an excerpt from the official Grand Lodge 9/11 Ceremony performed, for the first time, by your Lodge officers on Patriot Day, September 11th. The ceremony paid tribute to the fallen, offered praise and love for the surviving heroes, and reminded all present that liberty and happiness are always worth fighting for.

Along with a tribute to the flag, moving and inspirational music and touching poem read by Kris Benedict, PER. there were three guest speakers. First to the podium was House Committee member Nelson, Buck, Powden. Buck was assigned to the FEMA response team in Harrisburg/Philadelphia region. The team was called to support the recovery efforts and were in service for several months, working tirelessly in 12 hours shifts searching for survivors then victims. Buck shared that after his 12 hour night shifts, he was uplifted by the unwavering daily show of support and encouragement by the residents of New York City. Buck also wore his FEMA uniform to the ceremony, and brought a display of 9/11 artifacts and pictures to share with the Lodge.

The second speaker of the evening was 2257 member, Paul Hadinger, retired Port Authority Police K9 officer. Called to ground zero within hours, Paul and his brothers and sisters, worked EVERY DAY for 2.5 years securing the site, searching for victims, while ensuring the safety of surrounding residents. Paul shared his devotion to remembering the fallen and brought a poster of all the officers who paid the ultimate price in service to NYC and our country. Paul knew them all and shared with us a few of their histories. He also brought artifacts from Ground Zero and gifted the Lodge a piece of steel from the twin towers.

There was one more story, shared by our Esteemed Loyal Knight Dr. Jack Kauffman. Jack’s dear friend and fraternity brother, James (Jim) Berger, was working in the towers when the planes hit. Jim and his co-workers did not know what exactly happened to their tower when the plane hit, but they knew they had to escape. Jim gathered his co-workers and got them on one of the few, still working, elevators. Despite begging him to join them, the workers left without him and made it out alive. Jim stayed to make sure no-one was left behind. Unfortunately, this would be Jim’s last selfless act. Jack’s heart-wrenching story reminded all present that not all heroes wear uniforms.

Although the ceremony lasted an hour longer than expected, it was an evening filled with strong emotions, many tears, renewed respect, and un-wavering pride.

A special thank you to Rhonda Sweigart who provided all the music for our ceremony. Thank you to the nearly 40 members who attended this magical and memorable evening.

Posted by: West Shore-Harrisburg, PA #2257 (10/01/2024)

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