Cozad, NE 2250

Cozad, NE Lodge No. 2250

Exalted Ruler - Matthew Lotker

Welcome to our Lodge

The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks (BPOE) Lodge #2250 of Cozad, Nebraska, proudly carries out community service and charitable events that include youth programs, Veterans Service, furtherance of Americanism and other Benevolent activities. The Cozad Elks Lodge has 699 members and we are located in Cozad, Nebraska. Our Lodge is open to local, state and national members, and offers a dining room and bar. We also offer facilities for rent to the public.

Cozad Elks Lodge meetings are held at 8:00 p.m. the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month.

Cozad Elks Lodge 820 Avenue J PO Box 243 Cozad, NE