Joplin, MO 0501

Joplin, MO Lodge No. 0501

Welcome to February, the month of the year when "Brotherly Love" rules (as it should every day of the year). Our legendary "Tea Dance" makes an appearance this month after a hiatus of a few years. We hope our members take advantage of this great event. PER night is scheduled for February 13. Come out and see some of the "old timers" perform our Ritual. This event is a treat for those initiated on that night, and for those in the audience. Officer nominations will also occur that evening, with election to follow on February 27. Remember to visit Club 609 on the 2nd Monday of the month to dine in or take out. (Thank you to Linda for her continued support of our Christmas Basket project!) Lodge meetings, initiation, entertainment, oh my. The calendar has something for everyone! Please consider serving your Lodge as an officer. I think you will learn (as I did) that being an officer helps you undertand what it is to be an "Elk". If you are interested in serving your Lodge, please speak with a Lodge officer and they can help steer you in the correct direction. There are many new faces at the Lodge. Be sure to go up and introduce yourself if you do not know someone. We are a family of Elks, and we should make each new member feel welcome! If you know of a member ill at home or in the hospital, please tell our secretary or one of the bartenders in the Lounge.  Sometimes a prayer is all we can offer up, and we all need someone praying for us!  Like Elks across this nation, your Lodge is loud and proud:  we are "Elkdoms Heart for America" in the Heartland of America!  Come out and see what you have missed!

It's Great to Be an Elk!

Joplin Lodge #501 was instituted May 15, 1899, and remains committed to serving the needs of the "four-state" area.  As members of the premier charitable organization in our nation, we offer scholarships to area High School Seniors, support our Veterans, and participate in the other charitable programs of the Grand Lodge.

We are located at 1802 West 26th Street, Joplin, MO.  We open daily at 11am.