For the nearly 8,000 Elks who traveled to St. Louis this July, the Grand Lodge's annual Convention was a time to celebrate the Order's many achievements, reestablish old friendships, and help the BPOE chart its future course.
On Holloween eve in 1938, millions of Americans were terrified as they listened to "news" that the United States was under attack from a band of Martian invaders. Sixty-five years later we take a look back at the monumental broadcast that put fear into the hearts of so many American: CBS Radio's "War of the Worlds."
Throughout Elkdom the work of the Lodges continues to bring hope and encouragement ot the young and old and to the many helpful organizations withing theuir communities.
Each and every month the Lodges of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks make good on their promise to never forget those who have served this country so courageously.