On Tuesday, June 1, the applications for the $3,500 Beacon Grant and the $2,000 Spotlight Grant opened. The Beacon and Spotlight grants are available to every Lodge, and the flexibility that was introduced last year will continue. Plus, Lodges can merge the Spotlight Grant with the Beacon, increasing their Beacon Grant project budget to $5,500.
Applications close January 17, 2022, so your Lodge has time to identify local needs and apply for projects that will best serve your community.
Hear how Elks Lodges across the country are helping their communities with CIP Grants. In the latest episode of Take a CIP, Kelly Williams, the Grants Coordinator for Chattanooga, Tenn., Lodge No. 91, joined the show to talk about Chattanooga’s Beacon Grant project. The project is focused on a tutoring program and helping veterans obtain jobs. Tune in now at enf.elks.org/TakeACIP!
Take a CIP isn’t the only way to hear about the grant year, tune into the latest episode of the Midday Minute to hear CIPsters Doug Wise and Meaghan Morris the launch of Beacon and Spotlight grants. Tune in now at enf.elks.org/MiddayMinute.