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CLMS - Chicago Lodge Membership System


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We are pleased to announce a new plan that allows more Lodges to participate in a mechanized accounting system at a reasonable cost.

The Lodge will purchase, install and register the current version of Intuit's QuickBooks Pro. Intuit downloads changes to the program structure via Internet.

CLMS will furnish a chart of accounts for your Lodge utilizing the Grand Lodge Accounting & Management Manual as outlined on Pages 39 through 46 and mandated by Grand Lodge Statutes.

Additional Accounting Services Available

If you prefer additional services (at additional costs), we have established a sample menu of choices:

1.Beginning balance sheet (April 1) and current yearly budget.
2.List of Vendors with addresses.
3.List of Employee and current calendar year earnings.
4.Income and Expenses by month since April 1.

For these menu items the Lodge will supply the detail data so that CLMS may input this data into QuickBooks and send completed data files on a CD.

See Also


QuickBooks Accounting Screen

QuickBooks Account


Suggestions or bug reports about the CLMS product or help can be emailed to CLMS Helpdesk.

© B.P.O Elks of U.S.A. All rights reserved.


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