5 new members initiated in May 2016 Candice Ninness, Ryan Ninness, Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston, John Singer, Daniel Gust, and Joshua Flick. Welcome to the Aurora Lodge!
Most of the bingo bunch.
Trustee Arliss Guerrero is presented the ENF Honorary Founder Award by Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston
Lecturing Knight Richard Guerrero accepts the Traveling League bowling trophy from Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston.
Your 2016/2017 Officers with Aurora Mayor Pro Tem Renie Peterson
Leading Knight Art Ashley, Aurora Mayor Pro Tem Renie Peterson, and Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston after the installation of officers on April 2nd.
Aurora Lodge bowling teams took 1st and 2nd in their league!
ER Richard, ENF Chair Arliss, and Secretary Tom present ENF Gratitude Grant to Aurora Battered Women's Shelter
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