Saratoga-Wilton, NY 161

Saratoga-Wilton Photo Gallery

Saratoga-Wilton Photo Gallery: Senior Outreach Program

Senior Outreach Committee Delivering bags of food to Seniors - Impact Grant

Ben Buffa - Chairman of the Senior Food Delivery Program with Marge Mohrmann getting ready to stock our In-House Food Pantry. Thanks to the ENF Impact Grant!

Ben Buffa - Chairman of the Senior Food Delivery Program with Marge Mohrmann getting ready to stock our In-House Food Pantry. Thanks to the ENF Impact Grant!

Food donated by USPS with Betsy, ER Gerry Conboy and Ben Buffa

Seniors at Wilton Commons on Delivery Day!! Some very happy Seniors!

Ben, Marge and Peter at the Wilton Food Pantry getting ready to pack bags of food!

Our Lodge's Food Pantry - Food purchased with funds from our Impact Grant!! ER Gerry Conboy, Betsy Coffey and Ben Buffa

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