Milton-Freewater, OR 2146

Milton-Freewater Photo Gallery

Milton-Freewater Photo Gallery: All photos

The Flag Day Ceremony was done with the Royal Rangers as flag presenters. They did a great job and are eager to help anytime.

Inside remodeling made this a common sight in front of the Lodge this year. It was well worth the sawdust and paint fumes to get to where we are now.

PER Larry Hetterley with State Representative Greg Smith at the Veteran's Flag pole ceremony. Lecturing Knight Mike Jones in the back.

PER Jeff Shorey with Rhonda Walters and Larry Hetterley Easter Egg Hunt chairs along with the Easter Bunny and many stuffed animals to be handed out to the children.

Exalted Ruler and wife Karin after being installed by PER Tim Deseve.

PER Larry Hetterley with local Veterans Placemat winners.

2009-2010 Officer

2009-2010 Exalted Ruler being installed by PER Tim Deseve.

The Lodge Honor Guard proudly displaying our Nations Flags at the homecoming of the local National Guard troops who were deployed in Iraq.

The troop homecoming was attended by an Honor Guard from the Lodge. Here Kevin Hetterely proudly represents with the Service Flags and the POW Flag.

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