Milton-Freewater, OR 2146

Milton-Freewater Photo Gallery

Milton-Freewater Photo Gallery: All photos

A small turnout of special people giving ER Robert and Karin a send off to the Grand Lodge Convention. Special backyard accomodations by John and Debbie Kain.

Remodeling projects took up many weekends. Here members Dennis Luke and Rob Perkins are hard at it.

Long time member Ed Rand hands out candy to trick-or-treaters with Casey Elk in the background.

Dining room floor being readied for new tile.

Casey Elk gives a trick-or-treater a high four during the Halloween safe kids Main Street celebration.

PER Jeff Shorey presents ER Robert with a special "cell phone" to take to the Grand Lodge Convention and to Karin a stuffed Rooster... Trustee Joe Fausti sits back and watches.

The Easter Bunny pays a visit to OSEA President Tim Deseve and wife Diane.

Member Tom Smith is preparing the dining room floor for the new tile.

PDDGER J. Michael Lusk talking to the local Veteran's present for our annual Veteran's Potluck. He is telling them about the many coat, sweatshirts, CD's, books and other items being donated to the local VA Hospital for them.

PER Larry Hetterley at podium with Officers at the Military Flags for the Veteran's Flag Service.

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