Image 7278 left to right PDDGER, ENF District Chairman William Lakers, Lodge Trustee Ken Findlay. Lodge Trustee, Lodge ENF Chairperson Arliss Guerrero, past Exalted Ruler Arthur L. Ashley and Colorado Elks Association 3rd Vive-President, PDDGER Tom Root.
Image 7276, left to right PDDGER, ENF District Chairman William Lakers, Lodge Trustee Ken Findlay receiving ENF Bronze Recognition, Lodge ENF Chairperson Arliss Guerrero, Colorado Elks Association 3rd Vice President and State ENF Chairman Tom Root, PDDGER, Lodge Esquire Marcus French.
Colorado Elks Associations 3rd Vice-President PDDGER Tom Root and Exalted Ruler Richard Guerrero.
Colorado Elks Association State Conventions Drug Awareness at Rockies September 7th. Left to right Grand Exalted Ruler Michael T. Luhr, Past Grand Exalted Ruler and State Sponsor John D. Amen, Colorado Elks Association President Gary Salberg, State Drug Awareness Chairperson Chery Gordon and Aurora Elks Lodge Drug Awareness Committee Person Dennis Gade.
Aurora Elks Lodge #1921 went shopping for school clothes for six children (pictured) at a local Wal Mart. This activity was made available with a Colorado Elks Association Clem Audin Grant. Pictured are the six kids, Alondra, Aaliyah, Jazmin, Armando, Delayza, Amya and there moms Alexandra and Elizabeth. Also pictured are PDDGER/Secretary Thomas Welch and Wal-Mart Clerk clerk Ms Ida.
Aurora's foundingewr member
Left to right Nikk Abbott and Ryan Burmood, Summit Staff, Raymond Lisberger PER, Richard Guerrero ER, Arliss Guerrero ENF Chairperson, Thomas Welch PDDGER, William Lakers PDDGER and Arthur Ashley PER. Summit Rehabilitation and Care Community Awarded Elks Gratitude Grant. April 12, 2018, Aurora, CO - Summit Rehabilitation and Care Community was awarded a Gratitude Grant by the National and Local Elks Lodge #1921 and Fraternal Organization. The Gratitude Grant that was initially proposed by lodge member and trustee Ray Lisberger after meeting with Summit Rehabilitation community members to discuss how their lodge could further improve the lives of their residents. The grant, which was approved from the National foundation provided a speaker amplification system for the residents to utilize during council meetings and events, renovation of its community gazebo as well as hosting an event for the residents of community and members of the local lodge to celebrate the completion of the service project.
New Members at Aurora Elks Lodge #1921. Front row: Alan Hrenko, Rachela Hrenko, Exalted Ruler Richard Guerrero, Tere Daniel Back Row: Larry Zimmerman, Tomas Gonzales, Sheri Martin, Carol Reed, Mindy Edwards Will Pauni
Mary Jo Charleston, Citizen of the Year, Aurora Elks Lodge#1921, 201702018.
Marie Cline Elk of the year 2018.
Tom Welch, Officer of the year 2018.
2018 Soup Tasting. It was a great event with GREAT tasting soups. You should have been there. A good time was had by all.
Remember the lodge is still open on Wednesdays and this is Kim, our bartender.
Fred N. Smith, Elk of the month March.
Arliss Guerrero, 2018 Sweetheart Queen.
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