GER Malcom J. McPherson Jr. addresses the 2017 Colorado Elks Convention. His theme for the year is "Strengthening Elkdom Through Community Awareness".
Cigar night at Aurora Elks Lodge #1921.
Attendees of the 2017 Flag Day
Color guard by Young Marines
Flag Day 2017
Ladies of the 50-60's PER Dinner
50s-60s auto show
50-60's cooks
Drug Awareness Boys and Girls Club of Denver
Drug Awareness
2017-2018 Officers
5 new members initiated in May 2016 Candice Ninness, Ryan Ninness, Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston, John Singer, Daniel Gust, and Joshua Flick. Welcome to the Aurora Lodge!
Most of the bingo bunch.
Trustee Arliss Guerrero is presented the ENF Honorary Founder Award by Exalted Ruler Bob Charleston
Visitors and the gang at the 50s/60s night
Marc guarding the loot
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