LeRoy Fuehrer, Elk of the month for February.
Arliss Guerrero, Elk Of The Month For February.
Karen (Bronco) Hass,new member.
PER Roder D. Lund, Transfer Dimit from Reno. NV
December 10th, 2017 PER Dinner. Front row PER Colin Guthrie, PER Ginny Duma, ER Arthur (Art) Ashley, second row PER Ray Lisberger, PER Richard Anderchin, PER Willard Housley, PDDGER/PER William )Bill) Lakers, third row PDDER/PE Thomas (Tom) Welch, PER Dennis Game and PER Robert (Bob)Charleston.
Your 2017 Charity Queen Kathleen Kleffner.
Elks of the month for October and November. Marie Cline and Kathleen Kleffner.
New member Zach Theriault
2017 Aurora Elks Lodge #1921 Charity Queen Kathleen (Kay) Kleffner.
Colorado Elks Association (CEA) President Gary Salberg's visit to the Aurora Elks Lodge @1921 on October 3rd, 2017.
2nd Place Award for ENF 2016-2017 at Colorado Elks Association 2017. Left to right State ENF Chairman Tom Root. Grand Exalted Ruler Malcolm J. McPherson, Lodge ENT Chairman Arliss Guerrero, Past Exalted Ruler Robert Charleston and Pass Grand Exalted Ruler John D. Amen.
Pig Roast 3.0 Sept 2017
Volunteers for the veterans lunch. Pictured left to right are Art Ashley, Bill Lakers, LeRoy Fuehrer,, Marine Cline, Dennis Made, josh Flick and Sabrina Chase. Not shown were Ginny Dumas and Fred Smith.
2nd place ENF per person 2016-2017. Left to right PER Bob Charleston, Lodge ENF Chairperson Arliss Guerrero, District ENF Chairperson Bill Lakers and ER Arthur Ashley.
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