Lodge supports Soldiers Angels Veteran food Drive sponsored by Lockheed Martin.
Last week, the VA hosted their National Advisory Committee, of which the ENVSC is a permanent member, and our own Mary Morgan is President. She took a moment to hang out with her Colorado Groupies. Thank you to Clayton Leonard Huffman, Dan Halkett and Arthur L. Ashley for attending!
Leading Knight Arliss Guerrero, Elk of the Month.
Viet Nam Veterans Day 2022
Arthur Ashley PER assisting the SoldiersAngles with it's distribution of food to needy Veterans at the Jewell VA Clinic
Viet NamVeterans Day 2022
Today is the 50th Anniversary of the Vietnam War! The Colorado Elks Association along with the Aurora Elks Lodge 1921 have set up two tables with pins and information for our Vietnam veterans at the VA Hospital in Aurora.
Rachel Lakers, 2022 Sweetheart Queen.
Aurora Elks Lodge 2022 Hoop Shoot. Pictured front row: PER Richard Guerrero,Marine Kline, PER Bill Lakers. Second row: PER Dennis Gade, LOyal Knight Arilss Guerrero,Exalted Ruler Anne Schmidth, Terusee Fred Smith, Leading Knight Tom Eckhardt, Secong Vice Preasedent Geff Mcdaniel and Trustee LeRoy Fuehrer.
Distribution of requested supplies to the Aurora VA Clinic on Mississippi.
Pictured are Leading Knight Tom Eckhardt, PER Bill Lakers, VAVS Rep Dan Halkett, Secretary (PER) Ray Lisberger and Trustree LeRoy Fuehrer. Not pictured PER Art Ashley, They put together snack bags for the 140th Colorado Air National Guard.
Elks Memorial Day 2021.
December 5th, 2021
Lodge VA Rep Dan Halkett accepting a lithograph fron the Colorado Air National Guard Rep 1stSGT Lucas Vanderwerff.
VAVS Rep Dan Halkett delivering supplies to the VA Clinic on Jewell St. in Aurora.
Delivered requested supplies to the VA Cinic on Mississippi.
DDGER David Norvell's visit to the lodge.
CEA President Alle Lenkt, wife Kim and Amy Mills wife of GER T. Keith Mills. Attending the 118th Colorado Elks State Convention.
Buckley AFB Boy Scout troop #120, Flag Ceremony.
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