Trustee Chairman Tyler Massey and member Larry Martinez make sure no one leaves empty handed.
Joey Guerrero gets a little help from Leading Knight Julie Montenegro
Chris Sanchez leads Elroy to his fans.
Elroy entertained everyone, young and old!
Elroy was a hit with the younger kids!
Longtime Lordsburg educator Frank Acosta was selected to receive the Lordsburg Elks 1813 Youth Appreciation Award for his many years of dedication and support to local youth. He received his award from Loyal Knight Maria Sanchez.
The Elks, with the help of the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office, provided a hot dog lunch and healthy watermelon dessert to the 140 plus kids in attendance. Pictured are Elks members Stephanie Helbig, Edgar Gomez, Exalted Ruler Glenda Greene and Leading Knight Julie Montenegro.
Youth were able to win numerous prizes, ranging from inflatable toys to swimming pool passes by answering questions about the dangers of drugs and alcohol. Elk member Eddie Barka quizzes the youth. Also providing drug awareness information for the kids to take home was the Hidalgo County DWI Program.
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