Elk of the Year 2010-2011 Al Dube
Officer of the Year 2010-2011 Laurie LeFebvre
G.E.R. Award Cliff LeFebvre
Outstanding Service Award 2010-2011 Tom Beech
Outstanding Service Award 2010-2011 Sean Noel
DICTIONARY DRIVE E.R. Laurie is shown presenting the dictionaries with Principle Mr. Brooks to Mrs. Card’s 3rd grade class at the H.B. Burkland School in Middleboro.
Children's Christmas Party 2011
Elk of the Year Dan Dube
Officer of the Year Charles Ledoux
Front Row (L-R): 4 Yr Trustee, Chrmn BOD Frank Needham, Esteemed Lecturing Knight Daniel Dube, Esteemed Loyal Knight Laurie Lefebvre, Exalted Ruler Benjamin Mackiewicz Jr., Esttemed Leading Knight Terri Scott, Esquire Sean Noel, Chaplain Richard Tinkham. Back Row (L-R): 1 Yr Trustee Al Dube, 3 Yr Trustee Charles Ledoux, Tiler Tracie Ledoux, 5 Yr Trustee Shawn O'Connor, 2 Yr Trustee Wally Glendye, Treasurer Matt Martin, Inner Guard Norm Diegoli, Secretary Chris Larrivey
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