Middleboro, MA 1274

Middleboro Photo Gallery

Middleboro Photo Gallery: All photos

Frank Barone's "gang" poses after Frank's winning 2nd VP at the Elks State Convention 2009 at SeaCrest Hotel in Falmouth, MA.

Tiler Sue Sullivan and her hubby Treasurer Mark Sullivan are enjoying some sun with ENF Chair Laurie LeFebvre and her hubby Esteemed Leading Knight Cliff LeFebvre at the Elks State Convention 2009 at SeaCrest Hotel in Falmouth, MA.

Mike Amaral, PER Gail "Cupcake" Kupchun, PER Kathy "Please" Graham and Billy Kupchun enjoying the sun at the Elks State Convention 2009 at SeaCrest Hotel in Falmouth, MA.

ENF Chair and wife of the Esteemed Leading Knight Laura LeFebvre and Tiler Sue Sullivan take a stroll on the beach at the Elks State Convention 2009 at SeaCrest Hotel in Falmouth, MA.

Middleboro Elks Lodge 1274 is in the House. Middleboro Elks members at recent State Presidential testimonial dinner with President-elect Jim Strojny. From left to right: Treasurer Mark Sullivan, Tiler Sue Sullivan, Mike Amaral, Lecturing Knight Kathy Graham, Jim Higgins, Exalted Ruler Laura Dickson, President-elect James Strojny, Leading Knight Cliff LeFebvre, Laura LeFebvre, and Pat Stoddard (Photo by Secretary Chris Larrivey taken with his cell phone).

2009 Kentucky Derby Plunger Race

Murray's Kids: Each year, Wayne Hittle brings Murry's kids (baseball Players) here from Maine to spend their vacation week playing Baseball. Wayne is proud of the fact that everything is donated and it has never cost our lodge anything. The Lodge only donates the hall for the boys to eat dinner each night. We had donations of money and or food so the lodge had to pay nothing for the dinners. Thank you to Wayne Hittle for organizing the event and to all of our volunteers who gave up their time and the donations that helped make this possible!

First Row: Mark Sullivan, Treasurer, Kathy Graham, Esteemed Lecturing Knight, Cliff LeFebvre, Esteemed Loyal Knight, Laura Dickson, Exalted Ruler, Robert Murphy Jr, Esteemed Loyal Knight, Mike Mott, Esquire, Dick Tinkham, Chaplain. Second Row: Sue Sullivan, Tiler, Dave Rockett, Trustee, Terri Scott, Trustee, Norm Diegoli, Inner Guard, Wally Glendye, Trustee, Lester "Buzz" Darling, Trustee. Missing from photo: Chris Larrivey, Secretary

Children's Easter Party

PER Terri Scott (left) and PDD Patrick Rooney (right) with Patrick's son at 2009 Soccer Shoot.

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