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L-R: Deborah Reedy, PER - Lodge Secretary, Gladys Laboy Carrasquillo - School Counselor, Robyn White - Principal, Betsy Bryant - Event Coordinator and Lodge Chaplan and ER Jim Bryant

Welcome Andrew Townsend and James Holderfield to our Order! They were initiated on September 8, 2021. Pictured are ER Jim Bryant, Installing ER Carole Shapley, Andrew and James!

Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221 recently partnered with Operation Barnabus to help purchase a vehicle to enable a local veteran transportation for herself and her family, who has been going through difficult times dealing with PTSD. Jacksonville Elks used $500.00 from the Elks National Foundation Freedom Grant for their first donation of the grant, along with the help of the owner of Mercy Automotive Charitable Foundation, Karla, and Operation Barnabus, to help our first recipient, Dee a is a Navy Veteran. Dee, the mother of three children, ages 17, 12 and 10, was introduced to Operation Barnabus several months ago through local veterans she had met. In that time since, she has received the help and support from volunteers at Operation Barnabus who have helped her overcome her struggles with PTSD. This support, along with the strength and power of faith, has empowered her to move forward with her life in a good and positive way, and our Jacksonville Elks Lodge is humbled and privileged to have been a part of making this huge difference in Dee’s life. In Dee’s words, time and time again, “God is good!!” Operation Barnabas is a faith based nonprofit organization assisting military veterans and first responders who struggle with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (“PTSD”). By providing sanctuary, meeting physical needs, and linking resources, their purpose is to provide hope, encouragement, and mentorship to at-risk veterans and first responders through outreach and resources in a swift and timely manner. Operation Barnabus endeavors to ignite a positive transformation in those striving to find purpose and meaning and is funded by the support of generous donors. Pictured left to right: Karla – Owner of Mercy Automotive Charitable Foundation, Ms. Dee – Navy Veteran, Pastor John Green – Operations Officer of Operation Barnabus, Robin Pipkins – ENF Grant Chairwoman of Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221, and Deborah Reedy PER – Secretary of Jacksonville Elks Lodge #221. #ElksCareElksShare

Jeff Morse, Founder of the Brotherhood Riders with ER Jim Bryant on August 25th when our Lodge hosted the riders and their guests with Dinner, overnight lodging and breakfast the following morning on their 22 day journey to Ground Zero in New York City from Venice, Florida!

ER Receiving poster from Founder, Jeff Morse, of the Brotherhood Riders

Family being honored

Group shot

Prayer time with Lodge building in background

PDDGER John Dill from Live Oak Lodge with his son John David Dill. John also donated 30 CASES of water to the Brotherhood Riders for their trip!

Member Bob Morgan welcoming the Riders

Laz and Debbie taking pictures of each other!

Brotherhood Riders coming over the Lion Bridge into St. Augustine

Green Cove Springs ER Ed Westin and members join our lodge to welcome the Brotherhood Riders - on their Day 5

Robin Pipkins earned Elk of the Year Award for 2020-2021 from William Watson PER

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