MANILA ELKS LODGE NEWSLETTER“ELKS Care - ELKS Share”08 December 2008 Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our next Regular Lodge Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 17 December 2008 at 6:30p.m.Our Congratulations to our newly initiated Brothers at our 03 December Lodge meeting. We look forward to their regular attendance at our scheduled Lodge meetings and active participation in Lodge and Club activities.They are:1. Bro. Douglas Masuda proposed by Bro. Tom Lee and PER Ted Awad2. Bro. William Sandoval proposed by Bro. Stephen Forand BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO OUR BROTHERS BORN IN DECEMBER:James T. Hodge 06 Humphrey O’Leary III, PER 06Joseph W. Pickard, PER 07Carl R. Francen 14Edward Pooley 15 James D. Clarkson 18James Lindenberg 20Charles Robinson 20J. Noel Kramer 25Jessell “Jay” Aguilar 29Barry N. Clark 30 Arthur B. Sokolow 30CANDIDATES for INDOCTRINATION and INITIATION: 1. Mr. Andrew Jackson “Jay” Davis III proposed by Robert M. Sears2. Mr. Adolfo M. Liwanag proposed by Bro. Mariano M. MartinPROPOSITION FOR MEMBERSHIP - The application for Membership of Mr. Michael George proposed by Bro. Jeffrey Green was read at our 03 Dec 2008 Lodge meeting and will forward to the Membership/Investigation Committees for proper action.DEATHS - For those who did not receive the earlier notice, we regret to advise that our late Brother, PER James B. Williams born 01 April 1942, initiated 04 June 1980, Past Exalted Ruler Lodge Years 1987-1988, 1992-1993 and 1993 1994 died 21 November 2008.Bro. Robert M. Robbins - regret to advise that he passed away December 7, 2008 at the age of 90. He was a member since December 5, 1973. SICKNESS – regret to advise that PER Joseph W. Pickard was confined in the hospital. Per advice of Mrs. Pickard he is suffering from pneumonia. LODGE DUES 2008-2009 - We are now approaching the last quarter of our Lodge Year 2008-2009 and we still have 6 Regular members who have not paid any portion of their annual dues USD 200 plus the per capita fee of USD8.00 and 2 Regular members who have not paid the second half year dues of USD100.00 due 01 October. If this applies to you, please immediately settle your overdue obligations thus precluding your name from being dropped from our roster for non-payment of dues. Thank you in advance for your prompt attention. Fraternally, (Signed)W. THOMAS HOESEExalted Ruler/vqt*Attachment : Holiday Operating Schedules.
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