MANILA ELKS LODGE NEWSLETTER“ELKS Care - ELKS Share”27 March 2008Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our next and the first Regular Lodge Meeting with our newly Installed Elected and Appointed Officers for the Lodge Year 2008-2009 will be held on Wednesday, 02 April 2008 at 6:30p.m.HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our BRETHREN born in APRIL:David Klein 01James Williams, PER 01 Mariano Martin 08 Robert W. Blume 07Antonio Dimalanta 11Hubert Higgins 11Modesto Gutierrez 18 John Townsend 19John Hughs 22Juan Collas 25 CANDIDATES Pending INDOCTRINATION and INITIATION - They are:Messers: Glendon Rowell proposed by Bro. Reynaldo C. de Jesus George A. Shaw proposed by ER William R. Smith William W. Wade proposed by Bro. Doyle E. StoutLODGE DUES – Effective 01 April 2008 to be in Good Standing when attending Lodge Meetings your Dues Card must be Valid to 01 October 2008 or 01 April 2009. Otherwise, you are DELINQUENT and may not be admitted. The peso rate of exchange as earlier decided by the Lodge for the Lodge Year 2008-2009 will be Php42.00/USD1.00. Payment in US Dollars always preferred and POST DATED CHECKS will not be honored. LODGE DUES 2007-2008 - We regret to advise that five (5) Members have failed to act favorably on our numerous advices re their delinquency in payment of subject dues. They will be dropped from our Roster by 31 March 2008 if by then will still remain unpaid Informatively, per Sec. 14.180 on their application within 30 days thereafter may be reinstated as a Member in good standing in this Lodge upon majority vote thereof at the next regular meeting and payment of delinquent and current dues. MEMBERSHIP/FELLOWSHIP COCKTAIL NIGHT - Thursday, 24 April 2008 between 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m. Please support our Membership drive, invite a prospective member! Our Lodge success lies in your hands! Complimentary food and drinks will be served as our way of showing your Guests the best of the Elks Club in a very informal atmosphere. You may be the lucky winner of our weekly cash prize raffle or other prizes. See you on the 24th of April. Fraternally yours,Original signedRICHARD S. HART, PERLodge Secretary/vqt*
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