MANILA ELKS LODGE NEWSLETTER"ELKS Care - ELKS Share"08 February 2007Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our next Regular Lodge Meeting will be held on Wednesday, 21 February 2007 at 6:30p.m. This will also be ELECTION Night of 2007-2008 Lodge Officers2006-2007 DUES DELINQUENT - This is our final notice to five (5) Members who have failed to pay their US$200 or Pesos equivalent Php10,400 Annual Dues for 2006-2007, three (3) Members US$100 or Php5,200 for the period 01 Oct 2006 to 31 March 2007 and two (2) Life Members the corresponding Per Capita Fee US$8.00 or Php416.00. If the amounts stated from those who are still delinquent has not been received by the Secretary on 31 March THEY WILL BE DROPPED from the Lodge Roster in as much as the Lodge can no longer advance the applicable Per Capita to the Grand Lodge on the presumption/assumption that the member will subsequently pay his outstanding obligation. 2007-2008 DUES, ENF, and EVENTS - Please see FLYERCANDIDATE pending INDOCTRINATION & INITIATION - Mr. Larry A. Kenner proposed by PER John K. Young.PROPOSITIONS FOR MEMBERSHIP - The following Candidates were proposed for Membership at the 07 February Lodge Meeting:1. Mr. David L. Klein proposed by PER John K. Young 2. Mr. Stephen Feldman proposed by PER Theodore V. Awad 3. Mr. Darin Valley proposed by PER Larry V. Thomas 4. Mr. Thomas J. Sliman, Jr. proposed by Bro. Matthew SloughANNUAL ELECTIONS FOR LODGE YEAR 2007-2008 - At our 07 Feb Lodge Meeting the following were nominated :Exalted Ruler - Bro. William R. Smith and Bro. Joseph A. Frances Esteemed Leading Knight - Bro. W. Thomas Hoese Esteemed Loyal Knight - Bro. Reynaldo De JesusEsteemed Lecturing Knight - Bro. Jonathan M. SkellySecretary - PER Richard S. Hart Treasurer - Bro. Mariano M. Martin and Bro. Matthew SloughTiler - Bro. Jeffrey Alan Williams Trustee for 5 years - Bro. Robert W. Thompson, Bro. Robert M. Sears and Bro. Humphrey P. OLeary, III Alternate Representative to 2007 National Convention 08-12 July 2007 at Charlotte, N.C. - PER Larry V. ThomasNote: A Nominee who does not want to accept a position for which he is nominated shall advise the Secretary in writing by 19 Feb prior to the 21 Feb Lodge Meeting when elections will be held. Fraternally yours, RICHARD S. HART, PERLodge Secretary/vqt* Please see Flyer on page 2p. 2 FLYER FLYER FLYER2007-2008 DUES - Dues cards are available for those paying in Dollars (the preferred method cash not check). If in pesos the exchange rate will be decided at the 21 March Lodge Meeting and that rate will be valid whenever the 2007-2008 dues are paid. At this time we bring to your attention that the Statutes Section 14.300 have always stated: "& .. The annual dues shall be fixed by the By-Laws at a specified dollar amount. In addition thereto, each member shall pay the following: a) all Grand Lodge per capita fees and assessments& ..". For Manila Lodge we are only required to pay US$8.00 vice the US$11.50 which is required from the Lodges in the states. In the past although our Lodge By-Laws Article X: FEES and DUES page 22 Sec. 2 states: On or before April 1st of each year, all Members, including Life Members, shall pay the Grand Lodge per capita fee, in addition to the appropriate regular or Life Member dues as specified in the remainder of this Section& we did not collect the per capita but considered it a part of the Annual Dues. Since times have changed we must now comply with that part of the Statutes stated above. Therefore, each regular member will now be billed to pay the Annual Dues of US$200 plus the Grand Lodge Per Capita US$8.00 or Total US$208 or peso equivalent to be decided at the 21 March 2007 Lodge meeting. Life Members as in the past will continue to pay the Grand Lodge Per Capita of US$8.00 or peso equivalent.PROPOSALAt the Lodge Meeting 7 February 2007 the Trustees submitted a proposal to amend that portion of our By-Laws Article X: FEES and DUES page 22 Sec. 2 "(b) The Regular Lodge Dues shall be US$250 per year." We hope that this increase will preclude the Lodge from showing a deficit in their Annual Report to the Grand Lodge.The Annual Dues of the Associate Members will also be increased.On the basis of the above, Members are urged to pay their Annual Dues PROMPTLY and are requested to use the Club facilities more frequently plus participate in its special functions. NOTE: THE PROPOSED INCREASE OF ANNUAL DUES RESOLUTION WILL BE DISCUSSED AND VOTED UPON AT OUR 21 FEBRUARY 2007 LODGE MEETING. * * * * * *ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION - With our 17 January 2007 Newsletter we attached an appeal for the brethren to act favorably on their request for contributions which at that time only USD500 had been credited for our membership contributions. We again appeal to those who have never contributed to please act favorably and for those who have contributed less than USD100 to please reconsider and increase your donations so that we can help the beneficiaries to enjoy a better life. The Deadline for credit to Manila Lodge No. 761 is March 15, 2007. FORTHCOMING EVENTS - Wednesday 14 February 7PM - "An Elks Valentine's Day Dinner-Dance" - from7PM - 11PM at the Manila Elks Main Dining. Set dinner for Php700.00 per person. Attire: Smart-Casual. Live Entertainment/Red Rose and a Glass of Wine for the Lady plus Special Giveaways. For tickets and inquiries, please call Gigi, Bianca or Cecil at 811-3173/811-3188/811-3217 Saturday 24 February 5:30PM - 58th GEORGE WASHINGTON BIRTHNIGHT GALA to be held at Embassy of the United States of America, The Chancery - Charles Parsons Ballroom and Gardens, on Saturday, 24 February 2007 at 5:30p.m. for the Sunset Cocktails and 7:00p.m. for the Gala American Buffet. Attire: Semi-formal/Cocktail. For other information, reservations and tickets, please inquire from the American Association of the Philippines, Tel: 892-5198/892-2510; Fax: 867-1689; Email: Website:
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