MANILA ELKS LODGE NEWSLETTER"ELKS Care - ELKS Share"23 November 2006Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our next Regular Lodge Session is on Wednesday, 06 December 2006 at 6:30p.m. BIRTHDAY GREETINGS to our BRETHREN BORN in DECEMBER:Billy Cates 03 James Hodge 06 Humphrey O'Leary, III 06 Joseph Pickard, PER 07 Edward C. Pooley 15James Lindenberg 20Albert Capotosto 24J. Noel Kramer 25 Barry N. Clark 30 Arthur Sokolow 31 CANDIDATES for INDOCTRINATION & INITIATION - 1. Mr. Larry A. Kenner proposed by PER John K. Young2. Mr. Jonathan M. Skelly proposed by Bro. Charles H. Lutz.ELKS MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE - will be included with our next Lodge Session, Wednesday, 06December 2006. We will remember the following brethren:1. Bro. Henri M. Pascal - died 05 March 2006 2. Bro. Rolland R. Thompson - died 08 August 2006ELKS NATIONAL FOUNDATION (ENF) - We regret to remind our brethren that they have shirked in extending their benevolence to help in the various programs that benefit from the contributions the ENF receives from the Elks and distributes in their program. For the past 15 years we have been the No. 1 Lodge (Best Grand Lodge Area) in contributions and so far this year our members have contributed only $300. Therefore, please take the time now to write a check. ANNOUNCEMENTS :A POOL POKER NIGHT every Tuesday at the Elks Club. All members and theirGuests are invited. Friday Jammin' at the Elks from 7pm - 11pm with Live Entertainment (Pianist) at the Lounge For the above announcements please call 811-3173 and 811-3188 for more details.HOLIDAY SCHEDULES - please see attached flyer for your guidanceFraternally yours,Original SignedRICHARD S. HART, PERLodge Secretary/vqt*FLYER FLYER FLYERHoliday Schedule 2006Nov 30 Thursday Regular Working Day Bonifacio Day (Holiday re- scheduled to Dec. 1)Dec 01 Friday Declared Holiday (as substitute for Nov 30 Holiday) 11 AM - 7 PM - Dodge City (1 Bartender + 1 Cook) Dec 23 Saturday Declared Holiday 11 AM - 7 PM - Dodge City (1 Bartender + 1 Cook)Dec 24 Sunday CLOSED (Non-Working Holiday) Dec 25 Monday 11am - 7pm - Members' Lounge (Non-Working Holiday) EGGNOG & FRUIT CAKE (1 Bartender + 1 Cook)Dodge City - ClosedDec 26 Tuesday Special Non-Working Holiday 11 AM - 7 PM - Dodge City (1 Bartender + 1 Cook) Dec 30 Saturday Non-Working Holiday 11 AM - 7 PM - Dodge City (1 Bartender + 1 Cook) Dec 31 Sunday CLOSED (Non-Working Holiday) Jan 01 '07 Monday 11am - 7pm - Members' Lounge (Non-Working Holiday) EGGNOG & FRUIT CAKE (1 Bartender + 1 Cook) Dodge City - Closed
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