MANILA ELKS LODGE NEWSLETTERELKS Care - ELKS Share21 September 2006Dear Brothers and Sisters,Our next Regular Lodge Session is Wednesday, 04 October 2006 at 6:30p.m. Our CONGRATULATIONS to our Life Member, Brother Hubert L. Higgins, who received his Golden Anniversary Award Certificate from the Grand Lodge B,P.O.E. . He attained his 50 years membership in Elkdom on September 19, 2006. GREETINGS TO OUR BROTHERS BORN IN OCTOBER:Philip French 02Harold Heagney 02Charles Lutz 03 Charles Romig 09Vincent Porrazzo 12 David Silverman 13Matthew Slough 24Evan Metzger 27Ben Edwards 28 Robert Sears 31CANDIDATE still pending for INDOCTRINATION & INITIATION - Mr. Larry A. Kenner proposed by PER John K. YoungDUES 2006-2007 - The first half of our Lodge Year 2006-2007 will end this month and for those who are paying semi-annually, the second half year dues of US$100 will be due by 01 October . For those who failed to pay any amount, your full year dues of US$200 will also be due by 01 October. If this will be applicable to you, please pass the Secretarys Office and settle your obligation immediately so that your name will not be reported to National as a delinquent member due thereat by 01 November. ELKS COMING EVENT: Membership/Fellowship Cocktail Night - Our nextMembership/Fellowship Cocktail Night will be held on Thursday, 26 October 2006 from 6:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.. Remember, it is also Raffle night and a member must be present to win the raffle prizes. Members are requested to introduce new faces of their prospective members whether for Regular or Associate membership. Please mark your calendar!OTHER ACTIVITIES - Members of Lodge 761 are invited to attend/participate tothe following activities: American Association of the Philippines (AAP) - AAP Annual General Membership scheduled on Tuesday, 26 September 2006, 4pm at the Manila Room of the Elks Club,7th Floor Corinthain Plaza, Paseo de Roxas, Legaspi Village, Makati City.HORSE RACE AT THE SAN LAZARO RACE TRACK - For the benefit of the Philippine American Guardian Association and the American Association of the Philippines, the San Lazaro Race Track in Carmona, Cavite is sponsoring a horse race on Sunday, October 1, 2006. San Lazaro will provide lunch at 12:00noon and the races begin at 2:00p.m. You may bring your family and friends. You need not bet nor bur anything. There will be free parking at the track.Fraternally yours,Original signedTHEODORE V. AWAD, PERActing Lodge Secretary/vqt*
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