Manila, PI 761

Manila, PI Lodge News

21 June Newsletter


"ELKS Care - ELKS Share"

21 June 2006

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Our next Regular Lodge Session is Wednesday, 19 July 2006 at 6:30 pm. This is in compliance with our By-Laws which state: the Lodge will meet only on the third Wednesday during July and August.


Larry V. Thomas - 03
Reynaldo de Jesus - 16
Robert Thompson - 16
James McCoy, Jr. - 20
Ronald Hyer - 22
W. Thomas Hoese - 23
John Broadus - 25
Rex Roberts - 27
Doyle Stout - 27
Buddy McGuire - 30
Norman Ober - 30


Mr. Larry A. Kenner, proposed by PER John K. Young, will be initiated at our 19 July Lodge Session.


It has been brought to the attention of your Secretary that some members are of the opinion that our regular Lodge Sessions, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays every month except during the months of July and August when the regular session is held on the 3rd Wednesday, only are only for the elected and appointed officers of the Lodge. Informatively, Regular Sessions are for all ELKS IN GOOD STANDING, i.e. good standing is that the member is current in the payment of his dues. To hold a regular Lodge Session, a quorum of nine (9) members in good standing must be present including two (2) elected officers.

As mentioned above, members in good standing are those who carry a membership card stating that they have paid their dues to a specific period in the current Lodge year. The Statutes further state that a member who is delinquent in the payment of his dues is NOT ENTITLED to the benefits and privileges of an Elk in good standing and also NOT ENTITLED TO THE USE OF THE CLUB FACILITIES. We regret that both the Lodge and Club have in the past been lenient with its members honoring the word of the member that they will pay their dues and Club accounts but they failed to do so at the expense of those who comply with both the Statutes/Regulations.

At this time, we have 16 Regular and 5 Life members who are delinquent in the payment of their Annual $200 Dues for Regular Members and payment of the $8 per capita for Life members. As such we have not posted the names of those members to defer any embarrassment. Therefore, all concerned are requested to act favorably in the immediate future for the good of the Lodge.


As we have a proper dress code for the Club Facilities, the proper dress at all Lodge Sessions for the Officers and Members is Long Sleeve Barong, Coat and Tie or Business Attire. This is also the proper dress for candidates. This dress is expected to be seen by the candidates and visitors from other Lodges.


July 01, Saturday, 3-9 pm

The American Association of the Philippines will host a 4th of July Celebration to be held at the International School Manila Elementary Sports Field (Gate 3) Fort Bonifacio, Taguig. Spectacular fireworks display at 8 P.M. There will be lot of fun for the family. Admission fee for adults is P250.00 and free for children (under 12 yrs old).

July 4, Tuesday, 7 pm

NINE (9) Ball Tournament - The Philippine Cerebral Palsy, Inc. (PCPI) will be hosting the 9 BALL TOURNAMENT at the Elks Club starting Tuesday, July 4 2006 at 7P.M. For other details please call 811-3173 and 811-3217.

July 27, Thursday, 6-8 pm

Elks Membership/Fellowship Night - it is also raffle night, member must be present to win the raffle prizes. Members are requested to introduce a new prospective Regular or Associate member that has not previously attended the Membership/Fellowship Night.

Fraternally yours,

Original signed
Lodge Secretary
