Club Events SATURDAY NIGHT DRAWING UP TO BIG BIG BIG BUCKS! February Events Saturday February 14th Valentines Party Here! Have a quiet Dinner for a great price. Make your reservations now! March EventsTuesday March 17th: St Patrick Day Special. Where green to the bar and get ½ off your first drink. All Drinks will be 25 cents off! Saturday March 21st: Casino Night, Our First Friends of Elks Party going here at starting at 6:00 P.M. Invite your friends for a big party on the bingo side. We will have a DJ, plus gambling. This is an open house so all are invited. Great drink and food specials. February Drink Specials Tuesdays 50 cents off all drinks & Domestic Beer! TUESDAY IS THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!! Sunday Beer Buckets are Back, You must buy the beer by the bucket. All one kind and served out of the bucket. February MeetingsHouse Committee: Monday February 2nd & 16th 6PM Lodge Meetings Tuesday February 3rd & 17th 7PM Secretary Information:You should have received your dues notices by now. If you haven’t, send me a note with your current address; and I will send you another one. Your cooperation in sending your dues as early as is convenient for you will be appreciated. Also, please contribute s generously as you can to the Cancer Fund when you remit your dues. On March 17th a ballot will be taken on an Application for Affiliationf from Scot Conrad who resides at 3005 West 200 South, colujmbs. He is V.P. of Database Sales and Delivery for IDHASOFT USA, Inc. Prospective Members: Deborah Glastetter-3620 River Road-Student/Clerk-Proposed by Keith Warf. Amy West-3509 Larkspur Lane-Proposed by Shannon Lawson Exalted Ruler Letter: Thank you all for attending our Special Meeting. The ones who were there showed that they really care about our lodge. Many good suggestions were given during the meeting and many more were received after the meeting. Bill Pumphry is a ball of fire. He is leading up the committees and things are moving along. We need volunteers to help with these projects. There are 17 ideas presented. Some are being done as soon as next month, some are dictated by weather for outdoors. But as we stated in the meeting, if you want to keep this lodge, you have to help with these projects. The first project is March 21st. It is a F.O.T.E. (friends of the Elks) party. Invite your neighbors, friends, and work friends to a dance with a DJ, and a casino night. This is open to the public. We want to fill the bingo hall. Anita will list the other ideas from the THINK TANK and PLEASE volunteer to help. We have 430 members, and only about 20 do all the work. This lodge belongs to every member, so PLEASE help. We need your supportJeff FasnachtExalted Ruler NoticeNOTICE IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TALE We are switching the TALE to be an electric version. We are also checking our mailing data base. Please email us your e-mail address at Or mail us and tell us you still want one mailed to you along with your address TO 4664 RAY BOLL BLVD. COLUMBUS, IN 47203. Attention TALE, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE (WE ARE AFRAID WE MIGHT NOT GET THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY). Sunrise Family Restaurant Valentines Day Dinner Special: Surf and turfLobster & choice filet mignon 29.99Filet mignon Entrée 15.99Lobster entrée 15.99 Select any of the following steaks 15.99 Choice porter house 14 oz Prime rib 14 oz Rib Eye 14 oz Add a half order of crab legs to any meal for only 7.49All meals served with choice of potatoe, vegetables and your choice of soup or salad Drinks and gratuity not inculdedElk members 5% discount already inculded make your reservation now Donations WE ARE ALSO IN NEED OF COPY PAPER Elks 2008 Money raised for the children’s fund close to $7,000 & we help over 55 families! Money donated to the Cancer Fund $8,540 Funds Raised to purchase new TV’S $5,800 We offered and still are offering free memberships to active military personal. We offered free bluegrass music the last Friday of every month to you and the public. We donated the room to non-profit organizations throughout the year. Has Elk Members you are apart of all of that. Being an Elk is great. Send in your dues now and sign up a friend. Think TankAfter the special meeting on the 21st a “Think Tank” committee was created to assist the House Committee and Lodge Officers create ways to stimulate the Elks Economical Status. Ideas we are working on are: March 21st have a Casino Night and FRIEND of the ELKS Party. See attached flyer for all the details. Please make plans to come out. There will be something for everyone. We want to get some public relations going. If you have connections or ideas on ways we can get our name in the paper, radio, on signs, or websites for free please e-mail us or call us. We want to attend more community activities that will help us gather new members. If you know any or contacts of any please e-mail or call us. We are going to do a better job of getting the information out to you and the public on any events we are going to have. We are interested in creating a Family Night here one a week or once a month, at the Elks. Creating a Children’s Room with supervision, so mom, dad and friends can enjoy dinner and some social time at the club without paying a sitter. Your input is greatly needed on this topic. We are implementing a volunteer’s recognition program here at the ELKS. When you volunteer your time you will be rewarded. More information will be coming soon. In June (on Flag Day) we are going to host a recognizing ceremony for the Sheriffs Department, Police Department and Fire Department. If you are interested in helping with this event please contact us ASAP. We have gotten better wine in the bar, per your suggestions. We have more ideas and plan on sharing those with you as we work out the details. Your input and participation is greatly needed. Sign UpWe need help in the following areas. If you can give any amount of time helping in any of the following please contact us. You’re not signing up to a weekly meeting, just to help us out a little. Public Relations Work Helping with Casino Night Calling Stay Elks Helping us get kids signed up. Helping with the Flag Day Event. Supervising the children on Family Night. Donations for a Silent Auction. Columbus Elk’s 521Casino NightPublic Welcome Music Drinks Food&Gambling CrapsRouletteBlack Jack More Columbus Elk’s 521Casino NightPublic Welcome Music Drinks Food&GAMING Craps ~ Roulette Black Jack & More Free to Enter must be 21 Sat.March 21st Sunrise Restaurant Will Have Great Food Specials At The Elks 5214664 Ray Boll Blvd.Columbus(812) 6:00 P.M. –Midnight Raising Funds for: Cancer FoundationElks Children’s Fund All YouCan EatSeafoodBuffett $13.99 March 21st March 21st Columbus Elk’s 521Casino NightPublic Welcome Music Drinks Food&GAMING Craps ~ Roulette Black Jack & More Free to Enter must be 21 Sat.March 21st Sunrise Restaurant Will Have Great Food Specials At The Elks 5214664 Ray Boll Blvd.Columbus(812) 6:00 P.M. –Midnight Raising Funds for: Cancer FoundationElks Children’s Fund All YouCan EatSeafoodBuffett $13.99 March 21st March 21st
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