Club EventsSATURDAY NIGHT DRAWING UP TO BIG BIG BIG BUCKS! December EventsDecember:Sunday December 7th: Our annual Children’s Fund Chili Cook Off. Only $5 bucks to enter. Only $ bucks to eat. 30% of proceeds go to the Children’s Fund and 70% goes to the winner. Sign up on the bulletin board. Wednesday December 10th Children’s Fund Shoppers turn in your gifts.Monday December 15th : Plan on wrapping gifts for the Children’s Fund and Delivering this week.Wednesday December 17th : Children’s Fund Delivers, deliver the gifts! Saturday December 20th: TOM & JERRY. MAKE PLANS TO BE HERE! THE FOOD WILL BE GREAT, THE ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE FUN AND LET FACE IT, YOU HAVE EARNED IT THIS YEAR. BRING FAMILY AND GUEST 21 & OVER.Wednesday December 24th: The bar will be open. From 1-6 P.M. Thursday 25th : The Bar and Dinning Room will be closed for Christmas. Happy Holidays!Thursday December 31st: NEWS YEARS EVE PARTY! SPECIAL DINNER IN DINNING ROOM. We will bring in the New Year of 2009 here at the Elks. Bar Opens at 1 p.m. We will have a DJ with a little Karaoke and a lot of PARTY Music! Start the Evening off with a great Dinner Special. Your choice of Lobster, Filet Minon, T- Bone or Rib Eye. You get a potatoes, veggies, and choice of soup or salad. 15.99 per person or only 29.99 per couple. Make your reservation now! That’s a great deal. Bottles of Champaign available. December Drink SpecialsMondays All Vodkas Tuesday All Rums Wednesday All Whiskeys Thursday Well Drinks, Wine and beer!25 CENTS OFF.December Meetings:House Committee: Monday December 1st and 15th 6PM Lodge Meetings Tuesday December 2nd and 16th 7PM Lady Elks: Monday December 15th 6PMJoin The Lady ElksAny woman that is the wife of an Elk or is an Elk member themselves is invited to attend and join the Lady Elk Auxiliary. If you are interested please can contact Anita Hancock (812) 379-4386 for more information. Secretary Information:Dues are Past Due Are your dues current? Check your card to be sure. If you are one of the few that have forgotten to pay your dues, please get them in right away.NoticeNOTICE IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TALE We are switching the TALE to be an electric version. We are also checking our mailing data base. Please email us your e-mail address at Or mail us and tell us you still want one mailed to you along with your address TO 4664 RAY BOLL BLVD. COLUMBUS, IN 47203. Attention TALE, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE (WE ARE AFRAID WE MIGHT NOT GET THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY).Exalted Ruler Letter: DO NOT forget that we need your email address to send you the Tale or you can visit our web-site.To the Members, Merry Christmas to All, Tis that time of year. We have raised a fair amount for the Children's Fund, but would certainly like to be able to take care of more children. This year with the flooding there are more request for help than ever in our community. Please do what you can to help. We have a sign up on the board in the hall for shoppers, wrappers and delivery. Every year it seems that the same great folks do all the work. This lodge belongs to every member, so please participate in helping. BINGO,Again it is always the same great members that volunteer to help.We need more members to help. This is what keeps our doors open. It only takes a few hours every few weeks to take the burden off those who really care enough to help. Give Anita a call and she will see that you have a team to work with. While on this subject, tell the workers THANK YOU, these are not paid positions, it is all volunteer work. Now for the exciting part. We are only 26 days from the Tom & Jerry Party. Please participate in the raffle, as this is what pays for this event every year. The dance is free to all members and their guest. But with the band and everything else involved it takes about $3000.00 to put this event on. So your participation is very important for the event to continue. I am sure you will have a great time, so join all of us for an evening to remember. We have special guest this year. Don Schoeff who is our State President and John Sauer who is our State VP will be my guest at this years event. Please feel free to introduce yourselves, both are very nice folks. Yours in ElkdomJeff Fasnacht,Exalted Ruler. Sunrise Family Restaurant OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK:MEMBERS SHOW YOUR CURRENT DUES CARDAND GET A 5% DISCOUNT!HAVE YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY HERE AND WE WILL SUPPLY THE CAKE. PLEASE GIVE ONE WEEK NOTICE!DonationsWE ARE TAKING TOY DONATIONS AND MONETARY DONATIONS FOR THE CHLDREN’S FUND.WE ARE ALSO IN NEED OF COPY PAPER AND CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. THANK YOUTHE BAR STAFF FOR ALWAYS DOING A GOOD JOB AND PITCHING IN WHEN NEEDED. THE BINGO WORKERS. THANK YOU! THE SUNRISE OWNERS. FOR DONATING TO THE CHILDREN’S FUND BREAKFAST. THANK YOU.HOLIDAY HOURSTHANKSGIVING THURSDAY 11/27/08Bar 11-3Dinning Room Open Until 3:00 P.m.Christmas Eve WEDNESDAY 12/24/08Bar 1-6 P.M.Dinning Room Open Until 2:00 P.m.Christmas Day THURSDAY 12/25/08Bar & Dinning Room Closed all Day BINGO NO BINGO Day After Christmas FRIDAY 12/26/08Bar Opens At 3:00 P.m.Dinning Room OPEN REG. HOURSNew Years Eve WEDNESDAY 12/31/08Bar 12 P.M. – LateDining Room Open Regular hours. (Special Dinner)New Years Day THURSDAY 01/01/09Bar OPENS AT 3PMDinning Room OPEN REG. HOURSBINGO WE WILL HAVE BINGODID YOU KNOW? IF YOU ARE AN ELK MEMBER YOU GET 5% OFF YOU FOOD AT THE ELKS. YOU GET THE BANQUET HALL AT A DISCOUNT. YOU CAN GET A SPECAIL RATE AT COLUMBUS FITNESS GYM LOCATED ON ROCKY ROAD. YOU CAN GET A SPECIAL RATE A TIMBERGATE GOLF COURSE. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO PURCHASE LIQUOR, BEER AND WINE FROM THE CLUB. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO THE ENTER IN THE ROOMS OF THE BULIDING DESGINATED FOR MEMBERS ONLY. THE BAR, CARD ROOM, GAME ROOM AND LODGE ROOM. MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU ARE APART OF AN ORGANIZATIONS THAT’S GIVES NATIONALLY AND LOCALLY. HELPING SO MANY PEOPLE. NO MATTER HOW BUSY YOU ARE, JUST BY BEING A MEMBER YOU ARE HELPING! WE ARE ALWAYS WORKING ON WAYS TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP YOUR MEMBERSHIP AND TO HELP US GATHER MORE. YOUR DUES HELP OUT NATIONAL AND LOCAL CHARITIES. MAKE AN HONEST EFFORT TO SIGN UP ONE NEW PERSON. MAKE AN HONEST EFFORT TO COME OUT HERE AND EAT OR JOIN IN THE FUND OF A CLUB EVENT.
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