Club EventsNovember EventsTUESDAY 4TH: ELECTION DAY! GO VOTE! BAR WILL BE OPEN NORMAL HOURS FOR FOOD SERVICE. NO HARD DRINKS TIL AFTER 6P.M. TUESDAY 11th: Veterans Day. All Veterans drink half price & get 20 % off your food. Thank you for your service. SUNDAY 9th: Chili cook off. Come watch the Colts play New England on our new big screen TV paid for by donations! Way to go Elk members. Sign up on the big bulletin board in the hallway. First price is $25.00 gift certificate to the Elks. All money raised goes to the Children’s Fund. ONLY $5 bucks to enter. Bring in a toy donation or pay $2.50 to eat and vote. It is all for a good cause and there are so many families who are going to need help this Christmas! Make the effort this year and make a difference in y our community. ELKS CARE, ELKS SHARE. Saturday 15th: Children’s Fund First Annual, Fund Raising Breakfast. Purchase tickets from Elk officers, House Committee or Dinning Room Staff. Tickets $5.00 all the money goes to the Children’s Fund (The Sunrise Restaurant is donating the food). You get a pancake or biscuit and gravy break fat. You can use your ticket on the 15th or anytime before March 2009. FRIDAY 21ST: Scrap booking in the banquet hall. Thursday 27th: The Restaurant will be open until 3p.m. The bar will be closed all day. Have a happy Thanksgiving!SATURDAY NIGHT DRAWING UP TO BIG BIG BIG BUCKS!November Meetings:House Committee: Monday November 3rd and 17th 6PM Lodge Meetings Tuesday November 4th and 18th 7PM Lady Elks: Monday November 10th 6PMDecember EventsDecember:Wednesday December 10th Children’s Fund Shoppers turn in your gifts.Monday December 15th : Plan on wrapping gifts for the Children’s Fund and Delivering this week.Wednesday December 17th : Children’s Fund Delivers, deliver the gifts! Saturday December 20th: TOM & JERRY. MAKE PLANS TO BE HERE! THE FOOD WILL BE GREAT, THE ENTERTAINMENT WILL BE FUN AND LET FACE IT, YOU HAVE EARNED IT THIS YEAR. BRING FAMILY AND GUEST 21 & OVER.Monday 22nd: Plan on wrapping gifts for the Children’s Fund and Delivering this week.Thursday 25th : The Bar and Dinning Room will be closed for Christmas. Happy Holidays!December Meetings:House Committee: Monday December 1st and 15th 6PM Lodge Meetings Tuesday December 2nd and 16th 7PM Lady Elks: Monday December 15th 6PMJoin The Lady ElksAny woman that is the wife of an Elk or is an Elk member themselves is invited to attend and join the Lady Elk Auxiliary. Our second meeting will be on Monday November 10th at 6PM in the Lodge Room. If you are interested please attend. You can contact Anita Hancock (812) 379-4386. Exalted Ruler Letter: DO NOT forget that we need your email address to send you the Tale or you can visit our web site.To the Members,Well it finally looks like the cold has arrived. We still use the fire pit; you just need to bring a blanket along. Cold weather brings on many things at our lodge. This is the time to plan the shopping, and wrapping of the gifts for the children's fund. We will get a sign up sheet on the board for this. It is also the time we are preparing for our Tom & Jerry party. I will have them printed in a week or so, then please keep an eye out for them in your mail. We had our district deputy audit and we came out looking very well. I have not heard yet if we got a grant from Grand Lodge for the Children's Fund yet, but if we got it, you will be notified on our website. I have received several compliments about our website, we can get the info out to all members every week with NO EXPENSE to our lodge. We did receive request for snail mail of the Tale, which we will honor. It seems very strange that we did not get more than we did. We made sure that everyone was notified 3 times; we even sent a mailer for just this reason. I feel that this indicated to me and our lodge that most just don't read it. Unfortunately this is a great way to keep on top of what is happening at YOUR lodge. It was passed that we increase our line of credit in order to keep the lodge current with the bills that never quit coming. Thanks in part to the restaurant; we are now in the black with the club. If our members would visit and use the facility, we would stay in the black year round. You are all welcome to email me with any suggestions at I would really like to hear how we have done since our year is now half over. I will try to answer any questions quickly. Don't forget the Halloween Party! Dress up and join the fun. Happy HalloweenJeff Fasnacht, Exalted RulerSecretary Information:Dues are Past Due Are your dues current? Check your card to be sure. If you are one of the few that have forgotten to pay your dues, please get them in right away.NoticeNOTICE IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TALE We are switching the TALE to be an electric version. We are also checking our mailing database. Please email us your e-mail address at Or mail us and tell us you still want one mailed to you along with your address TO 4664 RAY BOLL BLVD. COLUMBUS, IN 47203. Attention TALE, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE (WE ARE AFRAID WE MIGHT NOT GET THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY).Sunrise Family Restaurant OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK:MEMBERS SHOW YOUR CURRENT DUES CARDAND GET A 5% DISCOUNT!HAVE YOUR BIRTHDAY PARTY HERE AND WE WILL SUPPLY THE CAKE. PLEASE GIVE ONE-WEEK NOTICE!SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15TH THE SUNRISE RESTAURANT WILL HOST THE FIRST ANNUAL, CHILDREN’S FUND BREAKFAST FUND RAISER! ALL DAY! ONLY $5.00 AND THE ENTIRE $5.00 GOES TO THE CHILDREN’S FUND! PLEASE BUY A TICKET AND HELP A CHILD.DonationsWE ARE TAKING TOY DONATIONS AND MONETARY DONATIONS FOR THE CHLDREN’S FUND.WE ARE ALSO IN NEED OF COPY PAPER AND CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. THANK YOU On behalf of myself, the “Golf Committee”, all volunteers and the participants, I would like to thank everyone who contributed to this years “Elks #521 Children’s Fund Golf Outing”. A number of people contributed in a variety of ways and all were greatly appreciated. For those of you who were not able to join us at the club I would again like to recognize one of those people whose contributions to the Children’s Fund and golf outing I honored at the luncheon with the inaugural “Butler Award” This award recognizes both the founder of the golf outing Randy Butler PER, and Bev Butler, who is responsible for making our children’s fund what it is today. I gave this award to Anita Hancock and I’ll only make two statements concerning how much she helped in all phases of this years outing, 1) without her “help” the outing would not have taken place, 2) THANK YOU!!. With the year that the city of Columbus has had, there were a record number of people who needed help and even knowing that the community, as always, would step up and fulfill the needs of it’s citizens, I was afraid that the contributors were “all given out” for this year. Well even though we had fewer golfers than last year, at the time of this letter, with some contributions still to come, we have raised over $4200.00 for the Children’s Fund. A list of all contributors is available at the lodge, and please makes an effort to patronize those who help us any time we need help. Again thanks to all who helped. (P.S. Applications are being accepted for next years Golf Outing Chairman, so don’t delay as I believe there will be a long list of candidates!!) Jeff Hall 2008 Golf Comm. Chairman THANK YOUBOB MILLER, BOB MAY AND ROGER BARKER FOR ALL HELP ON SATURDAY AT THE BREEDERS CUP. MIKE HARRISON “KINK” FOR DONATING THE COMPUTER. THE BAR STAFF FOR ALWAYS DOING A GOOD JOB AND PITCHING IN WHEN NEEDED. THE BINGO WORKERS. THANK YOU! JEFF HALL FOR ALL HIS HARD WORK WITH THE GOLF OUTING. HOLIDAY HOURSTHANKSGIVING THURSDAY 11/27/08Bar Closed All DayDinning Room Open Until 2:00 P.m.Christmas Eve WEDNESDAY 12/24/08Bar Closed All DayDinning Room Open Until 2:00 P.m.Christmas Day THURSDAY 12/25/08Bar & Dinning Room Closed all Day BINGO NO BINGO Day After Christmas FRIDAY 12/26/08Bar Opens At 3:00 P.m.Dinning Room OPEN REG. HOURSNew Years Eve WEDNESDAY 12/31/08Bar 12 P.M. – LateDining Room Open Regular hours.New Years Day THURSDAY 01/01/09Bar OPENS AT 3PMDinning Room OPEN REG. HOURSBINGO WE WILL HAVE BINGODID YOU KNOW? IF YOU ARE AN ELK MEMBER YOU GET 5% OFF YOU FOOD AT THE ELKS. YOU GET THE BANQUET HALL AT A DISCOUNT. YOU CAN GET A SPECAIL RATE AT COLUMBUS FITNESS GYM LOCATED ON ROCKY ROAD. YOU CAN GET A SPECIAL RATE A TIMBERGATE GOLF COURSE. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO PURCHASE LIQUOR, BEER AND WINE FROM THE CLUB. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO THE ENTER IN THE ROOMS OF THE BULIDING DESGINATED FOR MEMBERS ONLY. THE BAR, CARD ROOM, GAME ROOM AND LODGE ROOM. MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU ARE A PART OF AN ORGANIZATION THAT’S GIVES NATIONALLY AND LOCALLY. HELPING SO MANY PEOPLE. NO MATTER HOW BUSY YOU ARE, JUST BY BEING A MEMBER YOU ARE HELPING! WE ARE ALWAYS WORKING ON WAYS TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO KEEP YOUR MEMBERSHIP AND TO HELP US GATHER MORE. YOUR DUES HELP OUT NATIONAL AND LOCAL CHARITIES. MAKE AN HONEST EFFORT TO SIGN UP ONE NEW PERSON. MAKE AN HONEST EFFORT TO COME OUT HERE AND EAT OR JOIN IN THE FUND OF A CLUB EVENT.
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