Ocean City, MD 2645

Ocean City, MD Lodge News

October News from ER Rich Herron

October is here and the summer months will soon fade into the past. Our Lodge transitions from month to month and season to season. Before I touch on upcoming events, I wanted to mention the September Lodge Meeting, where a vote was taken on the proposal for a new outdoor sign to be placed in front of the Lodge. Without delving into details, the new digital sign and upgrades on other existing exterior signs, was approved, and we will keep members informed on its progress.

A lot is happening this month. First up, the Maryland Delaware and District of Columbia Elks Association, of which our Lodge is a part, is holding its Fall Conference, from October 4 – 6th at the Princess Royal Hotel in Ocean City. As the Host Lodge we expect to welcome numerous visitors that weekend. I know that our members will show them how much our Lodge cares and shares and the “Ocean City” way. Secondly, we are expecting a visit from State President, Angela Meyer, at this month’s Lodge Meeting on October 22nd. All Lodge Officers should be in full uniform in the upstairs Meeting Room no later than 6:45 pm, and all members are welcome to attend the 7pm meeting. Thirdly, we are honored and proud to report that our own Executive Chairman of the Board, John Loftus, has been appointed Special Deputy, Grand Exalted Ruler for our Association of the Maryland, Delaware, and District of Columbia Elks. This is a great honor for both John and the Ocean City Elks Lodge. We have many outstanding and hard-working Elks in our Lodge, and John is certainly one of them. Please share your congratulations and let him know how proud we are of his accomplishment. Lastly, the Lodge will be hosting our annual Halloween Party. I don’t have all the specifics yet regarding this popular annual event – but there will be prizes for the 1st/2nd/3rd place costumes and a great time for all. Details about the Halloween Party will be placed around the Lodge and included in upcoming email blasts.

Thank you to all who volunteer and keep our Lodge working. If you’ve never volunteered, I strongly urge you to consider one of the many opportunities to do so, as volunteers are the life blood of our Lodge.


To Volunteer

 Bingo:  Charles Nickoles 443-605-5028
Kitchen Server/Cashier: Gayle Hughes 302-436-2669

Door Greeter: Eva Rice 302-988-8223
Kitchen Cooks: Eileen Loftus 302-537-4354
Veterans Information: Pat Riordan 443-623-6162

     Counters: Bruce Martinek 302-539-5404