Ken-Ton, NY 1942

Ken-Ton, NY Lodge News


Applications for the Elks Most Valuable
Student Scholarships are now available to all
high school seniors. You do not have to be related
to an Elk member to apply. Applications will be
done on the computer. Log on to
Deadline for submission is November 12th.
New York State Elk Scholarship applications are
available for high school seniors, college freshmen,
sophomores and juniors who are sons/stepson or
daughter/stepdaughter of an Elk member in good
standing. The deadline for submission of these
applications to the State are also November 12th.
These applications will also be completed on the
computer. Log on to same website. Please contact
me for further details at our Lodge.
The Legacy Awards are $4,000 scholarships
established to help Elks families overcome the
struggle with rising costs of a college education. They
are open to any child or grandchild or (stepchild,
step grandchild or legal ward) of a living Elk who
joined the Order on or after April 1, 2022 The
sponsoring Elk must be a dues paying member
through March 31, 2025. Great grandchildren are
not eligible. The applicant must be a high school
senior or equivalent. Applications are due by
Feb. 3, 2025. Submit an online application.
For further details, please contact me at our Lodge.
Edwin Stuhlmiller