Three Rivers, MI 1248

Three Rivers, MI Lodge News

Elks #1248 Supports our Veterans

The Three Rivers Elks #1248 have been honoring our Veterans. 

We sponsored a golf outing and BBQ for the Battle Creek VA Hospital veterans on September 9, 2023.  Pictured is Bill Chiddister with all of our clothing and personal donations from the underwear party ($750 worth of donations) and the grant ($1900 worth of donations).

We presented a $1000 check to Stoney Summey for the St. Joseph County Veterans Affairs on July 25, 2024.   

The money was raised by "flagging" homes in the county.  Thanks to our Inner Guard Tabitha Sanders and her "Flag Crew" for organizing a fun "you've been flagged" fundraiser to help raise these funds, and thanks to everyone who was “flagged” and contributed. 


"Underwear" Party

Our amazing "models" will have underwear for you to bid on and take home with you. Pork chops and chips will be available for purchase. All money raised goes to our Veterans’ needs.

338x430.265625 (


VA Golf Outing June 10, 2023

Thanks to a $3000 Freedom Grant that we received, we are sponsored a golf outing and BBQ for the Battle Creek VA Hospital veterans; we will also provided food and clothing.  Our next outing is scheduled for September 9, 2023.