Club EventsSATURDAY NIGHT DRAWING UP TO BIG BIG BIG BUCKS! March EventsTuesday March 17th: St Patrick Day Special. Where green to the bar and get ½ off your first drink. All Drinks will be 25 cents off!Saturday March 21st: Casino Night, Our First Friends of Elks Party going here at starting at 6:00 P.M. Invite your friends for a big party on the bingo side. We will have a DJ, plus gambling. This is an open house so all are invited. Great drink and food specials. April EventsSaturday April 4th : We are having a special bingo to raise money for the Tom & Jerry during the evening. Come out and play or volunteer to work it. Games start at 7p.m.Saturday April 11th: Our Annual Easter Egg Hunt for the children will take place at 1:00 p.m. in the courtyard area. Its free to all children. Please donate some candy or toy filled eggs to this event. You can drop them off to Anita in the bar anytime from now until April 11th. Friday April 24th Blue Grass Music in the banquet hall. Free and starts at 7:00 p.m.March and April MeetingHouse Committee: Monday March 2nd 6PM Monday March 16th 6PM Monday April 6th 6PM Monday April 20th 6PM Lodge Meetings Tuesday March 3rd 7PM Tuesday March 17th 7PM Tuesday April 7th 7PM (New officers take place) Monday April 20th 7PM(Lodge starts meeting on Mondays)Secretary Information:You should have received your dues notices by now. If you haven’t, send me a note with your current address; and I will send you another one. Your cooperation in sending your dues as early as is convenient for you will be appreciated. Also, please contribute s generously as you can to the Cancer Fund when you remit your dues. On March 17th a ballot will be taken on an Application for Affiliation from Scot Conrad who resides at 3005 West 200 South, Columbus. He is V.P. of Database Sales and Delivery for IDHASOFT USA, Inc.Prospective Members:Bruce Fairbairn-2305 Washington Street- Engineer with Cummins- Proposed by Brian FanningJames R. Hermanson-3371 Clairmont Court- Chemistry Professor- Proposed by Anita Hancock. Exalted Ruler Letter: Well another year has passed. I want to thank all for your trust in me as I will be your Exalted Ruler for another year. I need to apologize to all for the Tale being so late, but things have been a little hectic for me lately. The ceiling and roof have finally been inspected by the adjuster and we are waiting for his final word. Then we hope to get everything put back to normal again. We are in great need for bingo workers, please sign up, it is only once every couple of months. This month is most important as we are having our first BIG party. This is very important that you all try to bring a guest or 2. We hope that by seeing what we have to offer we might be able to secure a few new members. We are offering $50 in Elk money for those who sign up that night and then complete initiation. We are having a casino set up in the back of the room and dancing in the front to a DJ. The $13.99 buffet is a great price for seafood. I also am in need of a few folks to step up and help with some of the lodge projects. Thanks to all who have already done so. I know I am always asking for something, but we need things and we have no funds to get them. We now have a great patio, but very little deck furniture. Please try to donate a chair or table. Don’t forget that we have a fire pit and we use it on Fri. and Sat . nights. It is a great place to relax in the quiet out doors with the warmth of the fire. Spring is just around the corner, so don’t forget that we will need some flowers and plants.PLEASE BRING A FRIEND OR TWO AND JOIN US ON THE 21st. Jeff FasnachtExalted RulerNoticeNOTICE IMPORTANT INFORMATION CONCERNING THE TALE We are switching the TALE to be an electric version. We are also checking our mailing data base. Please email us your e-mail address at Or mail us and tell us you still want one mailed to you along with your address TO 4664 RAY BOLL BLVD. COLUMBUS, IN 47203. Attention TALE, NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE (WE ARE AFRAID WE MIGHT NOT GET THE INFORMATION CORRECTLY).Sunrise Family Restaurant St. Patrick Day March 17th Corn Beef and Cabbage SpecialCasino Night March 21st All You Can Eat Seafood Buffet $13.99Easter Sunday April 19th Easter Lunch and Dinner Special. All the fixens $7.99( Ham, mash potatoes, deviled eggs, stuffing, home made rolls and soup or salad).DonationsWE ARE ALSO IN NEED OF COPY PAPER Special foods for concession. Bake a cake that we can sale for the children’s fund. Thursdays and Sundays are the best days. Thank YouLinda Persinger for baking cakes for bingo and organizing the storage closet.Bob Miller for cleaning up the dumpster area and picking up supplies.Bill Marshal and Bob Miller for popping popcorn.John Councellor for helping fix the bathrooms.Mike Hayes for fixing the ice room door.Dave Ransdell for changing lights and painting around the Elks. Jeff Fasnacht for cleaning out the fire pit and getting it ready for the season. Sign UpWe need help in the following areas. If you can give any amount of time helping in any of the following please contact us. You’re not signing up to a weekly meeting, just to help us out a little. Public Relations Work Helping with Casino Night Calling Stray Elks Helping us get kids signed up. Helping with the Flag Day Event. Supervising the children on Family Night. Donations for a Silent Auction. We Need Easter Eggs Filled with toys or candy donated for the Easter Egg Hunt. Please start making now and drop off in the bar area to Anita or a bartender.
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