Mission Statement of the Order To inculcate the principals of Charity, Justice Brotherly Love and Fidlity: To recognize a belief in God; to promote the welfare and enhance the happiness of its Members; to quicken the spirit of American patriotism; to cultivate good fellowship; to perpetuate itself as a fraternal organization, and to provide for its government, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the United States of America will serve the people and communities the benevolant programs, demonstrating that Elks Care ~ Elks Care. Our Lodge Mission The objectives of the Order are fraternal, charitable, patriotic, and civic. Many of our programs are for the benefit of Youth. Most of our programs are based on the desire of Elks to help others who may be less fortunate. While there are a number of charitable programs engaged in by every Lodge on a local level, the major statewide program of the CALIFORNIA-HAWAII ELKS ASSOCIATION (CHEA) Major Project (CHEMPI) is the Purple Pig, a program for Disabled Children, Serving Our Children since 1950. The theme is: “A coin a day and they’ll Walk, Talk, See and Play.” Through the “Piggy Bank” donations by all the CHEA Elk Members, this program provides Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech-Language Therapy, Preschool Vision Screening and Scholarships & Grants. Who could have imagined back in 1950 that the Elks Major Project, disbursing a record $3.8 million in the year 2008, could be solely supported by voluntary donations from the Elks and friends? As one of the largest private non-profit philanthropic projects in the nation, not a single dollar comes from federal or state funds – a fact we are very proud of “The Piggy Bank Program”. Our Lodge is engaged in a number of other projects, besides the National “Hoop Shoot” program. We have in May, “Scholarship Night” for local deserving local high school seniors, and also in May, our own “Junior Youth Invitational Track Meet that started in 1948. This event is in conjunction with the the Elks National "Youth Week". We also host the kids Halloween Haunted House, and Kids Christmas Party all inside the Lodge, which is open to the general public and for Members children and their grand/great grandchildren, ages up to 12. We also recognize and honor our local deserving firemen in January and local law enforcement personnel in September. Also in April, we have Pancake Breakfast in honor of our local Emergency Services (CHP, Sheriffs Department, Fire Fighters, and local EMS, and other ambulance services.) Also, we gather donations in form of a food drive and clothing for local charitable organizations in Lancaster in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas. In addition, the Elks nationally operate the Elks National Foundation. The income from this permanent trust fund is spent annually for scholarships for deserving young people in sponsoring the Elks National “Hoop Shoot”, in education awards to needy children of deceased Elks, and in aid to many State Association Projects such as ours. The programs for the aid of our government, especially in times of war, have earned our Order the highest commendation from the Government. The destiny of our Order is tied directly to the destiny of our country and, therefore, our support of our Government and the advancement of Patriotism are of the utmost importance to us. Ours was the first organization to propose Flag Day and to get it adopted nationally. Our Order has pledged that “So Long As There Are Veterans, the Benevolent and Protective of Elks Will Never Forget Them.” Our Order gave a hospital donated by members of the Elks that was given to our Government that became the first V.A. Hospital. We have carried out this pledge and spent thousands of dollars and hours aiding our veterans, hospitalized or otherwise. These are some of the worthwhile programs in which we are engaged, and we hope that after you are a Member, you will want to assist us in this work. If you live in the Lancaster, CA area, come by and see what our Lodge looks like, or contact our Lodge for potential membership. Must be 21 years of age and sponsored by an Elk member. Call for further information (661) 942-1625, or e-mail us at: bpoe.sheilamundell@yahoo.com