Littleton Lodge No. 1650 of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks was organized through the efforts of Brother Ivan J. Joss, who was a member of Boulder Lodge No. 566. He brought together interested persons at the Littleton Community Center in November 1941. He obtained the cooperation of Denver Lodge No. 17 and on January 20, 1942, the first officers for the lodge were elected. Ivan Joss was the first member of our lodge to be elected to Honorary Life Membership.On March 12, 1942, Littleton Lodge No. 1650 was instituted by the officers of Denver Lodge No. 17 and Past Grand Lodge Officers of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. The first officers of Littleton Lodge were: Exalted Ruler – Richard Simon Esteemed Leading Knight - Louis Moore Esteemed Loyal Knight - Fred Tucker Esteemed Lecturing Knight - Clifford Funk Secretary - Ivan J. Joss Treasurer - Warren E. Goddard Tiler - Max J. Ivey Inner Guard - William D. Greenfield Chaplain - John Warfield Trustees - Robert B. Lee D.C. Lochead Leslie Abbott Jull Norman Granes E.D. ChandlerOur charter was issued by Grand Lodge on July 16, 1942 and hangs on the wall of the lodge room.During the first year several officers were called to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, requiring the election of new officers to fill vacancies.The original lodge hall was located at 258½ Main Street in Littleton. A building committee was appointed and a site was purchased opposite the Court House on Broadway. Later it was sold and a new lodge home site was purchased at 5749 South Curtice Street in Littleton, where we have remained since that date. A formal dedication of the new lodge building was held on December 14, 15 and 16, 1950, by the then Exalted Ruler James A. Drehle