Orleans-Eastham, MA 2572

Directions: Orleans-Eastham Elks Lodge No. 2572

Orleans-Eastham Elks Lodge No. 2572 One McKoy Road PO Box 1894 North Eastham, MA 02651-1894 Telephone: (508)240-5826 (Lodge) Telephone: (508)255-4258 (Office) Email: oeelks@2572.comcastbiz.net


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Travel Directions

From Points North (greater Boston vicinity), via Route 3 South to the Cape Cod Canal; From Points North (greater Boston vicinity), via Route 24 South onto Route I-495 South, onto Route 25 East, onto Route 6 East along the Cape Cod Canal; From Points North & West, via Route I-495 South, onto Route 25 East, onto Route 6 East along the Cape Cod Canal; From Points West, via Route 2 East or Mass. Pike I-90 East (Exit 11-A) onto Route I-495 South, onto Route 25 East, onto Route 6 East along the Cape Cod Canal;


Follow Route 6 East onto the Sagamore Bridge over the canal onto Cape Cod. Continue on Route 6 through the traffic rotary at the Orleans/Eastham town line. After the traffic rotary, pass through three sets of traffic lights, then take 5th left turn onto McKoy Road. Lodge is at the 1st driveway on the right. Look for our sign opposite the Four Points Sheraton Hotel on Route 6.