Do you remember when you were younger and filled your piggy bank with coins to save for something special? That's exactly what the California-Hawaii Elks Association is doing, collecting for some very special children. The California-Hawaii Elks Association provides occupational therapy, physical therapy and speech-language therapy services to children (birth to 18) in their homes. All services are provided free of charge to the children and their families. The Major Project's preschool vision screening program provides screening by certified vision screeners to children in preschools, nursery schools and daycare centers and children up to third grade enrolled in private schools. In addition, students with disabilities may apply for college, university and vocational school scholarships through the Major Project's Undergraduate Scholarship Program for Students with Disabilities. Finally, the Major Project provides monetary coverage to eligible children for pediatric vision examinations, treatment and glasses after maximum use or denial of other resources.
"A coin a day and they'll walk, talk, see and play."
Thank you to all of our members and friends who have donated to the "Purple Pig". A very special thank you to our local businesses especially: Anderson Plywood, The Lost and Found, The Cozy, Gabe's and The Tattle Tale who go above and beyond to support this wonderful program. For more information, please visit Major Project