Mountain Home, AR 1714

E.R.'s Message September 2024

My Fellow Elks!

Can you believe that summer is winding down already? Our bylaw change proposals are complete and spelled out in this newsletter. Please make sure you're at the Sept 10 lodge meeting to cast your vote. All changes proposed are suggested with lodge improvement and membership increase in mind so I hope to see you!

Also, I want to remind you that former and delinquent members are disallowed from enjoying the lodge and events that our current members do. That's simply not right or fair. If you see your friends or family members on the delinquent list, kindly remind them to settle up! We have some fantastic events on the horizon that we don't want anyone to miss!  

Lastly, I just want to say THANK YOU to all those that volunteer their time and energies on a consistent basis.  And a special thank you to all who helped our Lecturing Knight man the booth at the Baxter County Fair.  The event was successful and this lodge depends on and is thriving because of YOU!  Let's keep the spirit of volunteering going!

See you at #1714!

Danny Fife
Exulted Ruler