Mountain Home, AR 1714

Elk Ladies News September 2024


Elk Ladies

The meeting was opened by Rachel White with a Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance.  There were 19 members and 1 guest. There were also 2 birthdays and 2 anniversaries. Bernice Koonce introduced our guest speaker Jamie Attwood from Adult Protective Services. She gave a very informative speech on what services they provide. The bakers who brought cake for our break was Pat Luedeking,Lana Ellibee, Nancy Favinni, Alice Reagan and Rachel White. Secretary Dot Gabl read the minutes, which were approved as read. Treasurer Jo Holcomb reported $5,177.13 in the checking. Dot stepped in for Pat Gargett to give the correspondence report. Jo Holcomb gave the sunshine report.
A reminder for members A - Z to bring a salad for our luncheon on September 9th at 12 pm. The 50/50 drawing had 3 winners at $14 each.Our Food Basket donation was $155.00.The picnic dinner on April 26th was named "Down Home Bar-be-que."  There will be Baskets and Square Dancing. There will not be a Board Meeting in September because of Labor Day. Our next meeting will be September 9th at 12:00 pm.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Rachel White, President