Toledo, OR 1664

Contact Us

Lodge Meeting Location

Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays, except Jul, Aug & Sep, then 3rd Thursday only, Hwy 20 Bus Loop to Alder St, turn S, go 2 blks, 123 SE Alder St, Toledo, OR (meetings in July & August held at Elks Toketee Illahee Park in Siletz - 20590 Siletz Hwy, 2 mi N of Siletz, past 2nd green bridge)

Lodge Location

Toledo, OR No. 1664
123 SE Alder St
Toledo, OR 97391-1647

Lodge Mailing Address

Toledo, OR No. 1664
123 SE Alder St
Toledo, OR 97391-1647

Telephone, Email, Web

Lodge Contacts