CASS address status codes
address status codes
Digit Description Description
1st A had to truncate the address line to make it fit into your field.
B truncated both the address line and the city name.
C had to truncate the city name to make it fit into your field.
S didn’t truncate anything.
2nd 0 Regarding the city, state, ZIP, and ZIP+4, there is no significant
difference between the input data and the data that was assigned.
1 assigned a different ZIP.
2 assigned a different city.
3 assigned a different city and ZIP.
4 assigned a different state.
5 assigned a different state and ZIP.
6 assigned a different city and state.
7 assigned a different city, state, and ZIP.
8 assigned a different ZIP+4.
9 assigned a different ZIP and ZIP+4.
A assigned a different city and ZIP+4.
B assigned a different city, ZIP, and ZIP+4.
C assigned a different state and ZIP+4.
D assigned a different state, ZIP, and ZIP+4.
E assigned a different city, state, and ZIP+4.
F assigned a different city, state, ZIP and ZIP+4.
3rd 0 Regarding the primary name, directionals, and suffix, there
is no significant difference between the input and what was assigned.
1 assigned a different suffix.
2 assigned a different predirectional.
3 assigned a different predirectional and suffix.
4 assigned a different postdirectional.
5 assigned a different suffix and postdirectional.
6 assigned a different predirectional and postdirectional.
7 assigned a different predirectional, suffix, and postdirectional.
8 assigned a different primary name.
9 assigned a different primary name and suffix.
A assigned a different predirectional and primary name.
B assigned a different predirectional, primary name, and suffix.
C assigned a different primary name and postdirectional.
D assigned a different primary name, suffix, and postdirectional.
E assigned a different predirectional, primary name, and postdirectional.
F assigned a different predirectional, primary name, postdirectional,
and suffix.
4th 0 Regarding the county number, CART (carrier-route number), DPBC, and
unit designator, there is no significant difference between the input data
and the data that was assigned.
1 assigned a different unit designator.
2 assigned a different DPBC.
3 assigned a different DPBC and unit designator.
4 assigned a different CART.
5 assigned a different CART and unit designator.
6 assigned a different CART and DPBC.
7 assigned a different CART, DPBC, and unit designator.
8 assigned a different county number.
9 assigned a different county number and unit designator.
A assigned a different county number and DPBC.
B assigned a different county number, DPBC, and unit designator.
C assigned a different county number and CART.
D assigned a different county number, CART, and unit designator.
E assigned a different county number, CART, and DPBC.
F assigned a different county number, CART, DPBC, and
unit designator.
5th 0 Regarding the LOT, LOT_Order, and Puerto Rican urbanization, there
is no significant difference between the input data and the data
that was assigned.
1 assigned a different LOT.
2 assigned a different LOT_Order.
3 assigned a different LOT and LOT_Order.
4 assigned a different urbanization.
5 assigned a different urbanization and LOT.
6 assigned a different urbanization and LOT_Order.
7 assigned a different urbanization, LOT, and LOT_Order.
6th Reserved for future use.
CASS address error codes
address error codes
Code Country Description Code Country Description
E101 Last line is bad or missing code, the same street has a
different postal code
E212 No city and bad ZIP/postal code
E213 Bad city, valid state/province, and no ZIP/postal code
E214 Bad city and bad ZIP/postal code
E216 Bad ZIP, can’t determine which city match to select
E302 No primary address line parsed
E412 Street name not found in directory
E413 Possible street-name matches too close to choose one
E420 Primary range is missing
E421 Primary range is invalid for the street/route/building
E422 Predirectional needed, input is wrong or missing
E423 Suffix needed, input is wrong or missing
E425 Suffix and directional needed, input is wrong or missing
E427 [Post] Directional needed, input is wrong or missing
E428 Bad ZIP, can’t select an address match
E429 Bad city, can’t select an address match E504 U.S. Overlapping ranges
in ZIP+4 directory
E430 Possible address-line matches too close to choose one
E431 Urbanization needed, input is wrong or missing
E432 The address conflicts with the postal
E433 Address conflicts with the postal code, different street name
exists for input postal code
E434 No street assignment was possible, there was a duplicate
postal-code match
E435 No street assignment, no postal code
E436 No street assignment, postal code not matched
E437 Multiple match, different directory areas
E439 Exact match made in EWS directory
E450 High rank has out-of-range suite
E451 High rank has out-of-range PO box
E452 PO box vs. civic postal-code mismatch
E453 Multiple suite ranking conflict
E500 Other error
E501 Foreign address
E502 Input record entirely blank
E505 Address does not exist in the USPS directories. Undeliverable address.
E600 Marked by USPS as unsuitable for delivery of mail
See Also
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